WWE Super Showdown 2020 Predictions

2) Brock Lesnar vs Ricochet

— WWE Championship (CONFIRMED)

WWE has officially confirmed that Brock Lesnar will be facing off against Ricochet at WWE Super Showdown. This will be for the WWE Championship.

This should be a really fun match. I have been pitching this for a while because I think that it could be amazing. Brock usually works better with smaller guys. Also, Ricochet’s athleticism sets him up for some fun reversals.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this turns out to be the best match of the night. I just hope that it isn’t a squash match because it has a ton of potential.

Winner Prediction:

  • Brock Lesnar is definitely winning but it will likely be a really good match.

1) The Fiend vs Goldberg

— WWE Universal Championship (CONFIRMED)

WWE has officially confirmed the Universal Championship match at WWE Super Showdown. It will be The Fiend vs Goldberg.

This is definitely a match that I wasn’t expecting. It will be interesting to see them in the ring together.

Beating Goldberg would be a great way to put over The Fiend before Wrestlemania 36. I would much rather see The Fiend vs Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania 36 than The Fiend vs Goldberg. I don’t think that I am alone in that thought.

Winner Prediction:

  • I will say that The Fiend is going to win here. You never know with WWE though as I could see them wanting Roman Reigns vs Goldberg at Wrestlemania 36.

What are your WWE Super Showdown 2020 predictions? Let me know in the comment section below or on Twitter.

On a related note, check out my predictions for the Elimination Chamber PPV.

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