WWE Reportedly Contacting Former Talent For WWE Brand Split

Much has been made about the WWE raiding new talent from other companies for the upcoming WWE Brand Split. Pair this with the WWE likely bringing up a lot of NXT talent for the split and there should be a solid amount of new faces coming up to the WWE main roster when RAW and Smackdown separate. Not much has been said though about bringing back former WWE stars to help fill the roster. The WWE has to fill two rosters moving forward and it might not be the worst idea to bring back some old stars who the crowd already recognize.

According to a report from PWInsider.com, the WWE is reaching out to a good amount of former talent regarding their services for the upcoming WWE Brand Split. They don’t mention names but it is likely we see some familiar faces next month when the brand’s separate.

If you saw the WWE release the 32 Cruiserweight Classic competitors, you would recognize two familiar names: Tajiri and Brian Kendrick. Could they be making their way back to the company?

We also posted a couple weeks ago about a possible Cryme Tyme WWE return. This makes it even more likely that they will return in the next couple week!

Let us know what you think and who you would want the WWE to bring back!


4 thoughts on “WWE Reportedly Contacting Former Talent For WWE Brand Split”

  1. most of these guys will still end up being enhancement talent. I like guys like john morrison… but he won’t be pushed to the moon if he comes back. he’ll get a little TV time early because he’s new and he’s back! …. but after a few weeks, it’ll still be the top 4-5 gimmicks in the company filling most of the TV time, even w/ the brand split. there are more good wrestlers today than probably ever w/ guys like: rollins, reigns, ambrose, styles, cena, zayn, KO, finn, nakamura, new day, enzo/cass… these are the same guys that take TV time now, that will still take a majority of TV once the split happens.

    the only thing I can say that I hope for is for WWE to sign some ROH guys: dalton castle, jay lethal, young bucks, bobby fish. those guys would be good additions to the WWE.

  2. They definitely need to bring back Carlito to save the Shinning Stars, because since they returned they haven’t did nothing but promote Poto Rico.

    And they need to pull the trigger and bring back Kurt Angle. He already said he would be interested in working with American Alpha in a Team Angle 2.0 type thing.

    Also, by him being featured in the WWE 2K17 trailer, they could be bringing back Goldberg. I know Ryback is mad that he left, cuz that was kinda a dream match. That could’ve been the start of a push for him. Goldberg could’ve put Ryback over

  3. Kurt Angle as colour commentary and occasional big dream matches.

    John Morrison would fit right back in, his work in Lucha Underground is still top notch and he looks great.

    If WWE want to save the Shining Stars then Carlito is the only one to incite any interest in that and I have a feeling that Carlito has already agreed to return hence why the Shining Stars vignettes are continuing even after their poor redebut.

    Chris Masters is young and improved and would gladly accept the WWE money.

    Cryme Time may get another shot as they never really realised their full potential and they would help to fill out the entertainment side of the tag team division.

    Kharma is another former star that had her WWE career prematurely halted due to sad personal circumstances. However she has returned to in ring shape and has shown she can still go in the ring. Kharma is a big name veteran that could help to give the new women a intimidating challenge and the fans respect her. Imagine Kharma vs Nia Jax or them teaming up against the division.

    Tajiri and Kendrick would be good veteran hands for a new cruiserweight division which I’m pretty certain will happen after the cruiserweight classic which will likely see the winner and standout performers signed.


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