Triple H On If It Was Scripted
Another one of CM Punk’s victims of the promo was Triple H. The two have a storied past with one another and have traded shots back and forth over the years.
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The infamous line from Punk in the promo was:
“I’d like to think that maybe this company will better after Vince McMahon is dead. But the fact is, it’s going to be taken over by his idiotic daughter and his doofus son-in-law and the rest of his stupid family”
Triple H in a 2013 interview with Grantland shoots down the idea that the promo “lifted the fourth wall’. He says if it was a real shoot, they would have cut him off right away.
Here is what he said:
“But I laugh, like, when writers say “Oh, CM Punk laid the pipe bomb and lifted the fourth wall in a promo.” So let me get this straight, you think we put him out on TV, he broke f*cking everything we were supposed to do, and then sat down Indian-style and started blistering everybody, and we didn’t think Let’s take him off the air? If that would’ve been a shoot, it would’ve been off the air the second he started”
Don’t try to crush our dreams Triple H.
See Also: 10 Backstage Stories On What Really Happened At The Montreal Screwjob
Let us know what you think in the comment section below. What were your favorite lines of the WWE Pipe Bomb? What did you think when you watched it live? We want to hear from you!
I am of the opinion that Punk’s pipe bomb was a mixture of both worlds. This is not the first time something like this happened. What made this stand out was Punk himself. He clearly showed how passionate and driven he was at the time about wrestling. He spoke for all the Wrestling fans who respect the industry and were finally being fed up with having”their intelligence insulted” about the product’s direction. HHH and Vince knew this would draw, and added the same follow up narrative.
Yeah it was legit. It also brought $$$. To add to it Punk still not being featured in the same manner as Cena afterward further proof of the pipebomb being set off.