5 Options For The WWE Championship Match At Wrestlemania 36

1) Brock Lesnar vs Kevin Owens

I think that Kevin Owens has a real chance to be pushed as the top babyface on Monday Night RAW. With Seth Rollins’ crowd reaction flailing, Owens has a chance to become that top guy over the next several months.

If that happens, I would love to see WWE build towards Brock Lesnar vs Kevin Owens at Wrestlemania 36. This could make for a fun WWE Championship match at the event.

Brock vs Owens was actually going to happen a few years ago. WWE ended up changing the plans and going with Brock vs Goldberg instead. As a result, this remains as a match that I think fans would like to see.

If WWE is able to build up Owens as the new top babyface on RAW, this match seems to have a great chance of happening.

What do you think will be the WWE Championship match at Wrestlemania 36? Let me know in the comment section below.

On a related note, check out my full match card predictions for Wrestlemania 36.

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