17 Things That Will Happen In WWE In 2019

We wanted to pass along some of our guesses for the year. These are some big things that we think will happen in 2019 on WWE television.

17) Kevin Owens And Sami Zayn Will Win The Tag Team Championships In 2019

One big thing that I think will happen in 2019 is Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens winning the tag team Championships. Fans of Owens and Zayn prior to their WWE careers know that they spent a lot of time working together as a team. I would love to see WWE pair them up when they return from injury.

Looking at the current RAW tag team division, I think that they could really use a team like Owens and Zayn. Both are good singles guys but I think it could be fun to see them work together for several months.

Tag team gold would also make Owens a Grand Slam Champion in WWE.

16) Christian Will Be Inducted Into The WWE Hall Of Fame In 2019

One name who I think will be going into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2019 is Christian.

Christian has a Hall of Fame resume as both a tag team star and singles wrestler in WWE. He has had a great career from his time teaming with Edge to his time as World Heavyweight Champion.

With Christian doing a ton of stuff for the WWE Network as of late, my gut says that he will be going into the Hall in 2019.

15) 205 Live Will Fold In 2019

Unfortunately, I think that the 205 Live brand is going to end up folding in 2019.

There have been some really great matches but I just don’t think that the show has drawn enough interest. My gut says that it will be getting canceled in the new year.

I hope that WWE keeps all of the talent from 205 Live and uses them in different roles. There is plenty of talent on the brand that could be great on NXT UK, NXT, Smackdown and/or RAW.

Use the buttons below for more on our list of guesses. 

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