6) Former WWE Writer Gets Accused Of Taking Bribes In Exchange For TV Time
Former WWE writer Brian Gerwitz was taken to Wrestlers Court. He was accused of accepting gifts from Edge and Christian in exchange for more TV time.
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Gerwitz told the story on an episode of ‘Talk is Jericho’. He says Edge gave him an action figure that was one of his favorites when he was a kid. Word got back to the boys in the locker room and it was seen as a bribe instead of a kind gesture.
“I was accused of accepting gifts from Edge and Christian for TV time, because that was the inside perception. There was also a rumor that, when we had a show in Long Island, that I took Edge and Christian to my parents’ house and we all had dinner together. Which was not true, but it’s not like I wouldn’t have done that. At one point I said ‘if it pleases the court, I’d like to call my mother as a character witness.’ …. At one point, Bob Holly and Sean Waltman [X-Pac] had to be physically restrained by Kane, the bailiff. It got, like, really ugly”
Gerwitz, Edge, and Christian were ultimately found guilty of the crime. So what was the punishment?:
“We were found guilty, even though I wasn’t giving Edge and Christian airtime for the gifts. Obviously Taker’s the man, so he had me write an essay on why I respect the business, which I legitimately wrote and handed in. He read it, and it was a surreal experience.”
The Undertaker demonstrates some swift justice and gives a lesson on respecting the professional wrestling business. No wonder why he was the judge for a majority of these.
5) Edge & Christian Buy Off The Undertaker
As mentioned above, Edge and Christian were found guilty along with Gewirtz. So what was their punishment?
It turns out that they found a way out of it before they were sentenced. This came after they gave some nice gifts to the Undertaker.
Here is the story from Christian on E&C’s Pod Of Awesomeness:
“We bought this $150 Harley Davidson coffee table book. Then we went and found these Champion roundtable interviews with boxing champions. It was a whole series and bought him the whole series of those. We went and we left it in the judge’s locker room. When we left, we found the judge and said, ‘Settlement is in your locker room.’ He said, ‘Alright, I’ll assess it and I’ll let you know what you sentencing is.
“A couple hours later he walked past us, didn’t even look at us, he just stopped and said, ‘Boys, I don’t even think there’s gonna be a blemish on your record.’ And keeps walking.”
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