The Wrestlemania 34 Matches That The Men’s Elimination Chamber Could Set Up

Roman Reigns is the heavy favorite to win the Men’s Elimination Chamber match and go on to face Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania 34. Even though the finish seems like a foregone conclusion, there is still intrigue about the match and the feuds that it can set up for Wrestlemania 34. Let’s speculate on the Wrestlemania matches that the Men’s Chamber could set up.

The Miz

  • The biggest rumor going around for the Miz is a potential match against Braun Strowman (more details here).
  • Also, Balor vs the Miz has been teased on social media over the past few weeks.

Seth Rollins

  • Brock Lesnar vs Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns would make a ton of sense based on how Wrestlemania 31 played out. Not sure how WWE would set this up though.
  • You could also add Rollins into a feud between Finn Balor and the Miz for the Intercontinental Title.
  • There have been rumors about Rollins vs Kurt Angle, but that likely wouldn’t be set up inside of the Chamber.

Braun Strowman

  • They could still do Braun vs Brock for the Title if they wanted.
  • Like I mentioned before, a match vs the Miz is possible. Expect Braun to be eliminated by the Miz if this match is going to happen.


Finn Balor

  • An Intercontinental Title match vs the Miz is possible as mentioned prior.
  • Maybe something involving Seth Rollins as well.

John Cena

  • Undertaker could appear to cost Cena the match. Cena vs the Undertaker is rumored for Wrestlemania 34.
  • WWE could also do Elias vs Cena at Wrestlemania but that seems doubtful.


  • Maybe John Cena but seems doubtful.
  • I personally see Elias winning the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

Roman Reigns

  • He will more than likely be involved against Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania 34. The only question I have is if WWE will find a way to add Seth Rollins.

What matches would you like to see?

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