We previously did a ‘Which WWE Superstar Are You’ quiz (take it here) that only featured the male talent of WWE. The quiz was a big hit and we thought that we would put together something for the female Superstars of WWE. So, Which WWE Wrestler Are You? Take our quiz and find out. Options include Sasha Banks, Charlotte Flair, Alexa Bliss, Nia Jax and many more!
You can check out my latest WWE predictions video on Youtube: Wrestlemania 41 predictions: John Cena vs Cody Rhodes.
Which WWE Wrestler Are You?
Answer several questions below to determine which female WWE wrestler who you resemble the most.
Here is the quiz:
[wp_quiz id=”37380″]
Which WWE Wrestler Are You? Results
Here is what some of our followers got:
- @TheChrisPanther – “I got this straight fire Lass Kicker. Exactly the result I hoped for” [Becky Lynch].
- @Chico64281309 – “I got Nikki. I chose Tweener, Talkative, Power, and Red….that perfectly describes her”
Who did you get? Let us know who you got in the comment section or on Twitter. Also, if you have any ideas for questions or things we should add, let us know. We will be adding more questions to this as time progresses.
If you enjoyed this, please take some of our sister site, ProWrestlingQuiz.com. We have several more personality quizzes that we offer. This includes the male Superstar and tag team that you most closely resemble. We also offer quizzes on individual Superstars that you will enjoy!
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