7) Vince Was Sexually Abused As A Child
If you didn’t think by now that a young Vince McMahon had it rough, this might sway you. Not only was he beaten as a child, but he was also sexually abused. Vince has never come right out and said what happened but he has mentioned being sexually abused in the past in interviews.
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Here are some quotes from his interview with Playboy Magazine:
“Interviewer: Was the abuse all physical, or was there sexual abuse, too?
Vince: That’s not anything I would like to embellish. Just because it was weird.
Interviewer: Did it come from the same man?
Vince: No. It wasn’t…it wasn’t from the male”
Later on in the interview:
“Interviewer: We can leave that topic, but one last thing first. You said that the sexual abuse in your childhood “wasn’t from the male”. It’s well-known that you’re estranged from your mother. Have we found the reason?
Vince: [Pauses, nods] Without saying that, I’d say that’s pretty close”
Heavy stuff.
6) Vince Got Into A Lot Of Trouble As A Teenager
After reading these stories so far, you know that Vince McMahon had a troubled childhood. This correlated with Vince getting into a lot of trouble as he became a teenager. Vince wouldn’t fit in with a lot of the kids at school and as a result, he would resort to violence as a way to solve his problems:
“It’s frustrating for a child to know that you’re different and you don’t fit in. Maybe you’re not quite as bright and you’re made fun of. Kids will do that. I guess maybe I always resorted back to the one common denominator when I was terribly frustrated like that, and that of course would be physicality”
Vince also had a fixture for stealing cars and other illegal things as a teen:
“[I stole] automobiles. But I always brought them back. I just borrowed them, really. There were other thefts, too, and I ran a load of moonshine in Harlowe, North Carolina, in a 1952 Ford V8. That was a bad** car at the time”
5) Vince Went To Military School
After getting into trouble numerous times, Vince McMahon had two options. He could go to the state reform school or he could go to military school. Lucky for him, his father (Vince McMahon Sr.) was able to afford to send him to military school:
“It was reform school or military school. I went to Fishburne Military School in Waynesboro, Virginia, in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Military school is expensive. My mom was still my guardian and she couldn’t afford it. So my dad was notified and he paid”
Vince looked at military school as a chance for a fresh start. He says that even though he didn’t know his father that well at the time, him paying for the school made a lasting impact on him:
“I would see him in the summertime and on the occasional holiday. That he was able and willing to send me to that school made an impression. It was a chance to start over. Maybe it doesn’t seem that I changed, since I was the first cadet in school history to be court-martialed, but I at least started to change. No one really knew who I was at Fishburne. I had no badass reputation to uphold”
Vince would still get into trouble, but the military school would have been a lot better than the reform school he was destined for.
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