Vickie Guerrero was recently interviewed by Wrestlezone. During the interview, she spoke about the current WWE product.
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Specifically, Vickie shared her thoughts on the element that is missing from WWE television today.
Here is what she said:
“I think they’ve taken away a lot of the fun verbiage on TV. When me and Edge were together, he could chase me, I could chase him, he could slap me, spear me, and when we started getting these big sponsors that came in, a lot of them didn’t like the look of having domestic abuse or a woman looking like she’s getting beat up by a man. I would sit there going, ‘no, I’m OK with this, we’re good. I’m OK being chased.’ and for them to kind of go and cut that out now, the physicality is a lot different. The Attitude Era is where you could have the dumpster of manure poured on someone, and that was fun, or the limo of Vince McMahon being blown up—that was fun stuff to watch. To see a lot of it just being very straight and narrow, the entertainment is disappointing me because it’s not daring anymore as it used to be.
When Undertaker Tombstoned me, that was great stuff! ‘My neck’s not hurt after all.’ Today you don’t really see women going through those maneuvers. I wish they would bring back the daring aspect of women being in jeopardy, but that’s the one thing I’m disappointed by, the shock and awe of seeing something on TV.”
Do you agree with Vickie? Let us know in the comment section below.
On a related note, check out 7 small things that we would do to improve WWE programming.