Undertaker Quiz – 10 Trivia Questions About The ‘Deadman’

The Undertaker is considered as one of the greatest professional wrestler’s of all-time. How much do you really know about the Deadman? Please take our Undertaker quiz that features several trivia questions that you might not know!

Difficulty: We are going to rate this one as fairly difficult! Good luck and let us know what you scored in the comment section below. 

1) Who was NOT a victim of the Undertaker’s Wrestlemania streak?
  1. The Big Show
  2. A-Train
  3. Razor Ramon
  4. Jimmy Snuka

2) Who did the Undertaker win his first World Title (in WWE) from?

  1. Sycho Sid
  2. Hulk Hogan
  3. ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin
  4. Shawn Michaels

3) What Year Did The Undertaker Win His First (And Only) Royal Rumble Match?

  1. 2007
  2. 2005
  3. 2008
  4. 2010

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