Triple H Quiz – 10 Trivia Questions About His Career

Good job so far! Now the quiz starts to get a little bit more difficult! Make sure to let us know at the end how you did on the quiz!

4) Who did Triple H defeat at SummerSlam 1998 in a Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship?

  1. The Rock
  2. Owen Hart
  3. Shawn Michaels
  4. Mankind

5) Triple H And Stone Cold Steve Austin Teamed Up To Form ‘The Two-Man Power Trip’. Who Did They Defeat To Win The World Tag Team Championships? 

  1. Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho
  2. Edge and Christian
  3. The Undertaker and Kane
  4. The Dudley Boyz

6) Which Wrestlemania Has Triple H NOT Lost To The Undertaker At?

  1. X-Seven (17)
  2. X8 (18)
  3. XXVII (27)
  4. XXVIII (28)

7) Triple H Won The 2002 Royal Rumble Match. Who Did He Last Eliminate? 

  1. Steve Austin
  2. Mr Perfect
  3. Kurt Angle
  4. The Undertaker

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