Impact opens with Jeff at the site of the jump that ended the Hardy’s Tag title regin and flashes back to that day.. Lashley kicks off the show and calls out Moose but The Miracle shows up instead then a brawl ensues between Eddie, Bennett, Lashley, and Moose. Dixie them appears on the tron and states that if Bennett or Moose gets involved in the main event tonight that Bennett would be fired on the spot.
Please subscribe to my Youtube channel and check out my latest predictions video: Wrestlemania 41 predictions: Charlotte Flair vs Tiffany Stratton.
BFG Playoff Match:
Mike Bennett vs Brother Nero: Matt appears and saids he helped Jeff prepared for this match and it shows Matt and Jeff and the site of the jump that cost them the tag titles and Matt convinces Jeff to try the jump again and Jeff goes for it for the second time and crashes and burns. Matt and Reby introduces Jeff with new entrance music that goes with his deletion gimmick. WINNER: MIKE BENNETT
BFG Playoff Match:
Matt Hardy vs James Storm: Matt said that he will prove he is the better Hardy and become TNA champion again and delete his opponent James Storm. WINNER: BROKEN MATT HARDY
In depth look at EC3
Backstage segment between Bennett and Moose. Moose doesn’t care about Dixie and wants to fight Lashley tonight.
Ethan’s Corner
BFG Playoff Match:
EC3 vs Eli Drake: WINNER EC3
Backstage segment between The Hardys Matt ask Vanguard 1 who is opponent would be next week and finds out it will be EC3 and then ask for the keys to win that match.
Backstage segment between Allie and Maria about having a state of the K.O. Address
Tyrus The Fixer vignette
States of the K.O. Address: Both Jade and Gail want their respective title shots. Gail told Maria that she doesn’t care if she has to go through the WHOLE DIVISION to get it. Maria agrees to that and says whoever takes out Gail will be rewarded handsomely but Jade wants nothing of it which leads to her and Marti brawling to the outside. While this is happening Madison Rayne take out Gail and says it’s not personal and that everyone needs to look out for themselves .
Backstage segment between Rosemary and Bram
Shera gets a beat down from The Tribunal
BFG Playoff Match:
Bram vs Drew Galloway: WINNER: DREW GALLOWAY
Backstage segment between Bennett and Drew. Drew reminds Bennett that if him or Moose interferes in the main event that he would be fired on the spot.
Lashley vs Eddie Edwards: A massive brawl ensues before the match could even start due to Eddie diving from the ring onto Lashley which after the dive Lashley takes control of the brawl and tosses Eddie back in the ring so the match can officially start. Lashley has came and conquered he did what he said he would do he just RIPPED the heart out of the X Division. WINNER AND BOTH WORLD AND X DIVISION CHAMPION LASHELY
After the match everyone in the BFG Playoffs that advanced came out and brawled in the six sides of steel to end the show.
Huge thanks to @YorkJavon on Twitter for the results