The show opens with a fast recap of the Final Deletion. It then shows Matt going to the dilapidated boat that help protect him from the fireworks that Brother Nero shot at him. Matt names the boat Skarsgard and burns Jeff’s material remains.
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Opening Contest: #1 Contender’s Ladder Match for the X Division Championship: DJZ vs Rockstar Spud vs Mandrews vs Braxton Shutter vs Helms Dynasty:
There was a lot of high flying spots big spots even at one point Trevor Lee doing a split between two ladders in the ed DJZ grabs the X and becomes #1 contender
After the match JB was doing a congratulatory post match interview where DJZ talked about the X Division being the heart and soul of TNA and how he had been in the X Division for 6 years now and that’s when The Miracle Mike Bennett comes in from out of nowhere and attacks DJZ making good on his promise from last week to ruin Destination X. Mike Bennett also promises to burn TNA TO the ground.
Backstage EC3 cuts a promo about his fight with Drew Galloway later tonight.
Dixie Carter makes the announcement that next week TNA will be returning to their original day of Thursday at a new time of 8pm. She also states that next week will be the beginning of the Bound For Glory Playoffs where 8 men will vie for a chance of a world title shot at Bound For Glory and that the participants will be announced later tonight.
Face to face between Lashley and Eddie Edwards before their title vs title match later tonight in the main event. It eventually leads to Lashley making cheap shot and attempt to hit Eddie with a steel chair until a save from a returning Davey Richards. In the end Eddie stands tall with both titles.
Matt Hardy holds a screening of The Final Deletion
Bram vs Aybss: Back and forth match until Rosemary comes out and everything falls apart for Decay and Bram wins via Schoolboy Roll up
Knockouts Championship Fatal Four Way Match: Sienna(c) vs Jade vs Marti Belle vs Gail Kim:
Back and forth action the match started when Gail met Sienna on the ramp while Jade and Marti still in the ring we saw Jade and Gail team for a bit in the end Marti hit Jade with her finisher then Gail hits her finisher on Marti and was about to win the title for the 6th time until Allie put Marti’s foot on the rope which led to Sienna hitting her finisher to win the match and retain her title.
Hardy family dinner where Matt states that he would call out Brother Nero and publicly delete him on Impact
Reby introduces Matt and he talks about deleting Brother Nero once and for all and then calls out Brother Nero and at first “FIRES” him from Impact then changes he’s mind and makes him his personal mule.
Backstage segment where Mike Bennett and Maria where on their way to attack Eddie Edwards before his match later tonight against Lashley but DJZ had a score to settle from earlier in the night when The Miracle attacked him so it led to a match between them
DJZ vs Mike Bennett:
High flying spots from DJZ and towards the end The Miracle tried to leave the match bit the whole X I wasn’t having it so they formed a wall and forced him back into the ring where he was met by a rolling body scissors which allowed DJZ to pick up the win.
After the match The Miracle was lived and had enough he promised that he would ruin Destination X and burn TNA to the ground but that he couldn’t do it allow and would need some help.
Backstage segment where Drew cuts a promo about his fight that was coming up next against EC3
Fight EC3 vs Drew Galloway:
Drew said TNA wants a match bit Drew said it can only be settled with a fight and then calls out EC3. EC3 comes out and says both want the title and their friendship escalated quickly and might be friends again after their fight but for now Drew is his Scottish puppy dog bitch. They fight all over the arena until they get to the back and it takes the whole roster to separate them.
BFG Playoffs Participants: EC3 Drew Galloway Eli Drake Jeff Hardy Matt Hardy Mike Bennett Bram and James Storm
Title vs Title: Lashley(c) vs Eddie Edwards(c): Ends in no contest Bennett gets involved then calls out Moose to help and he takes out both Eddie Edwards and Lashley which prompts Dixie Carter to make a rematch between the two next week title vs title in six sides of steel.
Thanks to @yorkJavon for the recap! Make sure to follow him on Twitter!