On a recent edition of The Steve Austin Show podcast, Stone Cold discussed Summerslam. He shared his thoughts on Kevin Owens getting squashed at Summerslam and Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar. Below are some highlights.
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Austin on Kevin Owens Getting Squashed At Summerslam (h/t to Wrestling INC for the quotes below) :
“I hope Kevin Owens can claw his way back to where he was. Hopefully, they’re booking him to get back to where he was. I’m a big fan of both guys. I’m friends with both guys, but, man, with Braun, Braun is a big guy. And Kevin has been in the picture for a lot of titles, held a lot of titles, and I just thought, ‘man, he didn’t get s–t in, so, eh, I just wasn’t a fan.
Yeah, I just didn’t think Kevin Owens needed to get steamrolled because he’s a top guy. And, obviously, Braun Strowman is still green, but he’s a top guy. They’re grooming him for bigger and better things, but KO didn’t need to get squashed in the process.”
Austin also shared his thoughts on Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns:
“I just think for what it was, the action that did happen before it was over, because it didn’t last very long. I enjoyed the match. I knew they were in a tough spot, Roman came out really nice. Man, the crowd popped when he won! “It could have gone the other way, but the way they had it set up, they came out of this thing smelling like a rose. And so who knows what’s on the backside or moving into the future with Roman? I guess Brock will go to fight in the MMA or whatever. I don’t know what his deal is. Strowman is in the picture. I loved the physicality with Brock and Strowman. I loved [Strowman] getting beat with the briefcase and chucking the thing up the damn ramp. Oh yeah, it was great! But, dude, they popped pretty damn big for Roman, so they really made the most out of the situation that they could, in my opinion.”
Your thoughts on Austin’s comments?
On a related note, Austin revealed what he used to say during his WWE entrance. You can read that here.