One of the biggest matches that will be happening at the TLC PPV event will be Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins for the Intercontinental Championship. This match comes after Dean turned on Seth several weeks ago.
Please subscribe to my Youtube channel and check out my latest predictions video: Wrestlemania 41 predictions: Charlotte Flair vs Tiffany Stratton.
So what is going to happen and who is going to win? Let’s speculate a little bit here.
Let’s start with match quality.
This is certainly on my radar for potential match of the night. Dean and Seth have put on so many great matches with one another and seem to have awesome chemistry. I am excited to see them face off again, this time with Dean as the heel and Seth as the babyface. It will be a different dynamic than what we are used to.
This has a strong chance to be the match of the night. I am expecting a really high-quality match from both guys.
So who is going to win?
After thinking about it, I am going with Dean winning the Intercontinental Championship. I don’t think that Seth needs the belt right now and I see him moving up the card over the next few months. As a result, I see Dean winning the belt here and going on a lengthy run as Champ.
As for the finish, I am guessing that Dean will do something heelish to help him win the belt. I could see him using a weapon when the referee isn’t looking or hitting a low-blow for the win. Something that helps him win the Title and gets him some heel heat.
Do you agree or disagree with me? Let me know in the comment section below.
On a related note, here are the rest of our match predictions for TLC.