One of the biggest matches at Summerslam this year will be Daniel Bryan vs the Miz. This is a storyline and feud that has been brewing for a few years now. After years of trash talk, they will finally face off and it should be a good one.
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So what is going to happen in the match and who is going to win? Let’s speculate a little bit here.
I feel pretty strongly that the Miz is going to win at Summerslam after cheating. A major reason why is this will give the Miz bragging rights over Daniel Bryan for the next few months. Just imagine the Miz boasting in his promos about having a win against Bryan. After all the years of Bryan saying that he sucks in the ring, the Miz has a pinfall victory over him. I think that the heat on the Miz would be great and it would provide a fun new dynamic to the storyline.
I also think that this is a feud that NEEDS to continue. I don’t think anybody wants to see a clean finish and this feud to be over already. There is plenty of potential for more and I hope it lasts for a couple of months.
I am also still holding out hope that we will see this feud lead to a Wrestlemania 35 match. It would be great to see the Miz avoid Bryan over the next few months. The Miz would win the WWE Championship at some point, followed by a Royal Rumble victory from Daniel Bryan. Imagine Bryan vs the Miz for the WWE Title at Wrestlemania? Could be a lot of fun. That is just fantasy booking at the moment but I would love to see the feud extend into Wrestlemania if they can.
In a nutshell, I see the Miz defeating Daniel Bryan at Summerslam (after cheating). This sets us up for some entertaining Miz promos over the next few weeks/ months. It also keeps the feud going between these two and leads to more matches.
How do you see the match ending at Summerslam? Let us know in the comment section.
On a related note, here is our speculation on the plans for Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar at Summerslam.