One of the biggest matches at TLC will be between Braun Strowman and Baron Corbin. If Braun wins, he gets a Universal Title match against Brock Lesnar at the Royal Rumble. If Corbin loses, he has no more power on Monday Night RAW.
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There is a bit of a snag to this match. Braun is currently recovering from surgery. Braun had some work done a few weeks ago to remove bone spurs from his elbow. It is not even clear if he will be able to compete at the PPV.
So what is going to happen and who is going to win? Let’s speculate a little bit.
Let’s start with the match duration.
My prediction is that this match is only going to last about a minute. I think it would be a dumb decision to put Braun in a lengthy TLC match after just having surgery.
Fans got to see a TLC match on RAW this past week (Baron vs Seth Rollins). I think that this might have been because WWE knew Braun vs Baron is going to be very short on Sunday. Fans can’t really complain because they got a full-length TLC match on RAW and there is also another one on the card (Asuka vs Becky vs Charlotte). My gut says that this match will be over pretty quickly.
So who is going to win?
I have a feeling that this is going to be a squash match. A pissed off Braun is probably going to return and defeat Corbin in about a minute.
If Braun vs Corbin actually happens. I don’t really see it going any other way. The question is, will the match actually happen. We will have to wait and see.
What do you think will happen? Let us know in the comment section.
On a related note, here is our speculation on what will happen in the match between Daniel Bryan and AJ Styles at TLC.