Speculation On Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar At The Greatest Royal Rumble

Brock Lesnar will defend his WWE Universal Championship against Roman Reigns. This will take place at the Greatest Royal Rumble event in Saudi Arabia on Friday. This also happens to be a steel cage match.

Here is our speculation on what will happen in the match and who we think will walk out with the Universal Title.

Let’s start with match quality. We have seen Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar a few times now and each match has been a physical battle. I expect this to be much of the same on Friday, especially since it is inside of a steel cage. I expect this one to be another bloodbath.

I think that the cage also provides us with a hint about who is going to win. The cage provides WWE a perfect opportunity for Roman to win the Universal Title, without having him pin Brock in the middle of the ring.

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Reigns will win the Title via escaping the cage. We won’t see Brock again for a few months. Brock will eventually get his rematch against Roman at a bigger show like Summerslam or something like that. In the second match, Brock will finally be pinned by Reigns to put this feud to rest.

It makes sense for WWE since they get another Brock vs Reigns match out of it down the road. I am sure Reigns will get some extra heat from the crowd for winning the Title without actually pinning Brock. I think Roman Reigns is very, very likely to be the one walking out with the Universal Title on Friday.

How do you see it going?

1 thought on “Speculation On Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar At The Greatest Royal Rumble”

  1. That is actually a very interesting take! Roman will probably be battered big time and will have to escape the cage! Hard as hell to pin Brock at 100 percent much less under that!


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