9 Booking Steps For Sasha Banks & Bayley From Now Until Wrestlemania 37

Step 7: Bayley Will Finally Snap & Attacks Sasha

— Sometime In January

After they lose the Women’s tag team belts, I see Bayley finally snapping and attacking Sasha Banks. This will be a vicious assault that takes Sasha out of action for a few weeks.

Tension has been building over the past few months between them and it will finally come to a boiling point here. Bayley will play the role of the insecure heel, who is worried that Sasha was costing her the matches on purpose. Bayley will also be worried that Sasha will be coming for her belt next. This will lead to a vicious assault, which takes Sasha out of action for the next few weeks.

This would ultimately turn Sasha babyface, which I think is the right call. I love Bayley as a heel and I think this storyline works better with her playing the bad guy.

Step 8: Sasha Wins The Women’s Royal Rumble Match & Challenges Bayley To A Match At Wrestlemania 37

— WWE Royal Rumble

After the vicious assault, I would keep Sasha off television until the Royal Rumble. I would have Sasha make her return during the Women’s Royal Rumble match, which leads to her ultimately winning it.

After Sasha wins, she will get on the mic and challenge Bayley to a match at Wrestlemania 37 for the Smackdown Women’s Championship.

Step 9: Sasha Beats Bayley To Win The Smackdown Women’s Championship

— Wrestlemania 37

I think that I have done a decent job of building this storyline, which ultimately leads to Sasha Banks vs Bayley at Wrestlemania 37. This is the match that fans have been asking for and I think the stage would be set perfectly after Sasha’s win at the Rumble.

I would have Sasha beat Bayley to win the Smackdown Women’s Championship here. Sasha would win the title and would also finally get her Wrestlemania moment as she is the last of the Four Horsewomen to win a match at ‘Mania.

I would also have Sasha go on a lengthy reign as Champion after this. They need to give her a reign that lasts for more than just a month or two.

How would you book the storyline from now until Wrestlemania 37? Let me know in the comment section below or on Twitter.

On a related note, check out my early predictions for the Royal Rumble.

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