Samoa Joe Comments On Fans Cheering Him Instead Of Roman Reigns

Samoa Joe was recently interviewed by Yahoo Sports. During the interview, Joe spoke about fans cheering him in his feud with Roman Reigns. He also shared some opponents that he wants to face now that he is on Smackdown. Here are some of the highlights:

Joe on fans cheering him in his feud with Roman Reigns:

“I don’t think it’s anything I didn’t expect. I’m not out there lying to anybody. I’m out there telling the truth. You may not like the way I deliver the truth, you may take umbrage with the way I handle most of my conflicts, but that’s the way I do business. If we’re in a fight, we’re in a fight all of the time. It doesn’t stop just because the cameras are off. I’m going to come at you however I can. Roman knows how I play this game and its nothing he or the fans shouldn’t expect. It shocks me that people are still shocked that I behave this way.”

Joe on who he wants to face now that he is on Smackdown Live:

“You look up and down that roster and it’s a laundry list of a lot of big-time matchups and a lot of first-time matchups. It starts with A.J. Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura. Then it’s Randy Orton, it’s Rusev. I’ll fight both of The Bludgeon Brothers at the same time. You look at that locker room and you’d be hard-pressed to find a match you wouldn’t want to see me in.”

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