Rumor Roundup: WWE To Work With Another Promotion? New WWE Show? More

1) WWE To Start A New Show?

According to Dave Meltzer in the latest edition of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, WWE is also considering starting a new show for their developmental talent.

Here is what Meltzer wrote:

There is also the idea of creating their own Evolve-like group as a weekly streaming show, but this would allow the guys to work on actual television and get more exposure than on Peacock and also seem like they are changing and modernizing. The idea is also to alleviate the frustration of so many guys on the roster who sign and then basically are never used, especially now with no NXT house shows (although that will likely be changing soon).

The idea is people see AEW having partnerships with New Japan, Impact and AAA and they want to make it look like WWE is not set in its old ways and uncooperative in he real world. Whether this comes to fruition is a different story but the mentality right now is there to work with other people. Then again, that was also the mentality in the U.K. and Germany and that didn’t turn out well. But this is a totally new WWE under Nick Khan

My Take:

  • Another show would also be a great way to get the developmental talent some extra reps. It will be interesting to see what happens over these next few weeks.

What are some of the latest WWE rumors that you have heard? Let us know in the comments.

On a related note, check out my predictions for Wrestlemania 38.

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