Here are some of the latest WWE rumors that are floating around.
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5) The Original Plans For Drake Maverick
On this week’s episode of NXT, Triple H came out and offered Drake Maverick a new WWE contract. This came after Maverick was released by WWE back in April.
According to journalist Tom Colohue, WWE had originally intended for Drake to serve as an enhancement talent during Cruiserweight Title tournament. Due to the fan support that Maverick received after his release, they decided to change up the bracket to have Maverick go further:
Multiple sources have confirmed that on April 15th, the intention of the company was very much to have Drake Maverick pick up multiple losses and essentially act as an enhancement talent for other wrestlers in the tournament. The original intention was said to be a more significant push for Kushida, though the last-minute nature of the decision to have an interim Cruiserweight champion meant that a clearly defined plan had not been firmly set.
I have been told that as fan support grew, WWE began to change the bracket, offering Drake Maverick a new contract at the same time.
My Take:
- In a weird way, getting released was probably the best thing to happen to Drake. Fans are now much more behind him than they were before. It also seems like he is going to get a chance to prove himself in NXT. I am excited to see what his future holds.
4) Chelsea Green’s Future In WWE
According to Wrestletalk, there are rumors that Chelsea Green will be moved from NXT to the WWE main roster in the upcoming weeks.
Here is an excerpt from the site:
On last week’s show, Chelsea Green split with her manager Robert Stone following her tag match win with Charlotte Flair. The split with Stone felt rushed, with the duo not really doing a hell of a lot together on TV. However, our sources have told us that this is because Green has been discussed as a potential call-up, and would be brought up without Robert Stone.
Unlike Riddle, who has been confirmed, and Dijakovic, Green’s plans are not yet official, but she has been discussed by WWE higher-ups as a potential call-up, so don’t be too surprised to see her on Raw or SmackDown in the coming weeks.
My Take:
- I think that Chelsea would be a solid addition to either the RAW or Smackdown Women’s division. I can’t lie though, I didn’t think that she would be the next female star called up from NXT.
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