Rumor Killer On Brock Lesnar’s Son Training At The WWE Performance Center

Over the past few days, there have been some rumblings about Brock Lesnar’s son potentially following in his father’s footsteps and becoming a wrestler. This came after a photo made the rounds that claimed to be Brock’s son, Luke Lesnar.

Ryan Satin of Pro Wrestling Sheet has been able to kill this rumor before it gets any legs.

The photo that was supposedly Brock’s son was actually from someone named Bryce Winkelmann. An imposter took his photo and claimed to be Luke. Here are the Tweets from Satin, where he debunks the rumor:

If you see this floating around, make sure to pass the news along. Somebody has been trying to catfish fans.

On a related note, here is a rumor killer on a backstage incident at Extreme Rules.

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