Report On The Reason Why Rusev Was Removed And Then Added Back To The Casket Match

It has been a strange past few days in regards to the casket match at the Greatest Royal Rumble event. Rusev vs the Undertaker was the original match announced by WWE. A few days later, WWE announced that they had replaced Rusev with Chris Jericho. On Monday, it was revealed that Rusev was added back to the match and will, in fact, be facing the Undertaker at the event.

So what the hell is going on?

Brad Shepard of reports that the reason why Rusev was initially replaced in the match was because his comments from TMZ rubbed someone backstage the wrong way. He was added back after they realized that the Undertaker wasn’t offended. Here is a quote from Shepard:

“A source in WWE told me that somebody in the office was definitely rubbed the wrong way by the initial comments Rusev made to TMZ (where he referenced Undertaker as being old). WWE is very sensitive to the potential of offending old timers they realized Undertaker wasn’t offended. They put Rusev back in the match.”

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For those who missed it, Rusev said that the Undertaker was “kind of a little bit in the past” during an interview with TMZ. He didn’t, however, say that he would “crush his old ass” like the video title of TMZ suggested.

Overall a strange situation. We will let you know if we hear anything more on the situation.

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