A reddit user named Dvizzle has been making some headlines regarding the new design of the WWE Universal Title. He is known as Dan from BeltTalk.com and is a respected name in the championship belt making/ collecting community. He posted an interesting thing on reddit regarding the new WWE Universal title belt design that will be unveiled soon.
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Here is what he said:
“Is the same belt with different wording. Raw belt will have red behind logo. Smackdown will have blue” He later edited his post to say: “Correction, red swoosh and blue swoosh” (Source: Reddit).
He also included a quick mock up of what his sources are telling him.
Interesting if this is true. The images are obviously not what the final product will look like, just an idea about where the WWE might be going with their title designs.
This isn’t confirmed by any means but it could be the way the WWE is leaning. I actually wouldn’t hate this. I think a lot of fans have their hopes up that the WWE will bring back an old title design like the Winged Eagle of the past.
Let us know what you think in the comment section below!
That is stupid
I would have thought they would go with something different
Is this a joke? It looks like someone with MS paint has hacked away at it.