Owen Hart Stories That Will Make You Laugh

8) “Jim Powers”

Hacksaw Jim Duggan told a great Owen Hart story in a sit-down interview a few years ago. A common theme in Owen Hart stories is the use of the front desk at the hotel. One night, Duggan called the front desk of the hotel that the wrestlers were staying in and was asking where the gym was so he could get a quick workout in.

The front-desk attendant responded back and said:

“You’ve got a phone book, why don’t you look it up”?

Duggan was pissed because he thought that the employee should have some courtesy, considering they were supposed to make sure his stay at the hotel was going well. The man at the front-desk threw another jab at him:

“Well if you have a problem, why don’t you come talk to me”

Duggan was about to storm down to the lobby and confront the man until he received a phone call. The front desk attendant apologized and said that it wasn’t him who was saying those things. He eventually revealed himself as fellow WWE star:

“Jim Powers”

Duggan lost it laughing upon hearing the name and knew that he was getting ribbed by Owen.

7) The Foreign Napkin

Former WWE referee: Jimmy Korderas told a hilarious story in his book titled: The Three Count: My Life in Stripes as a WWE Referee’Owen Hart was teaming up with Jeff Jarrett in a tag team match against Edge and Christian. During the match, Owen used a napkin as a foreign object:

“Like any good heel, Owen decided to reach into his tights and pull out a foreign object and proceed to use it on his opponent Edge. All this occurred behind the referee’s back- once again, that would be me. Edge sold like he got hit with a brick. Owen then went to the corner and climbed the bottom rope, yes that is right, the bottom rope, and came off that bottom rope with a big splash on Edge’s lower legs and proceeded to cover his legs.

Since Edge’s shoulders were down I started counting. Edge barely kicked out at two and three-quarters. Then Owen proceeded to cover Edge with his crotch directly in Edge’s face. Edge then kicked out a little stronger this time. After Owen had used to the object several more times, again behind my back, the time was right for me to call him out on it”

He continued:


“Owen had hidden the object under his arm and despite my request to raise his arms, he refused to do so. I told him that I would begin my five count and if he did not raise his arm I would disqualify him then and there. At this point I still did not know what the object was. I began to count. When I got to four Owen raised his arms and a single red napkin floated harmlessly to the canvas- I couldn’t believe it. I looked at Owen and there was that smile again- I looked at Jeff, then I looked back at Christian and Edge, and it became a laugh-fest.

I usually pride myself on the fact that I’m very good at not cracking up in the ring. That night I didn’t have a prayer. From that point forward it became known to us as the Foreign Napkin Match”

A prime example of how much fun it was to work with Owen.

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