New Wrestling Video Game Coming That Will Be Internal Competition For WWE

We have some interesting video game news to pass your way. The developers of WWE 2K (Yuke’s) are creating a rival wrestling video game.

This is according to an interview with Hiromi Furuta from the Video Game Chronicle. Yuke’s “has established the new team in order to create internal competition for its WWE projects”.

Furuta says during the interview that Yuke’s has been frustrated with what they have achieved with the WWE 2k games as of late. She says their relationship with 2k Sports is partly responsible for this, along with the lack of competition in the wrestling genre.

Here are some quotes:

“We are trying to launch a new wrestling game. Of course, we will retain the WWE team, but we are also aware that our creators are beginning to lose sight of their passion and confidence and becoming focused only on completing assigned tasks. That’s not the direction Yuke’s wants to go in. So, in order to compensate, we’re going to start a new wrestling project.”

“We’re not chasing money or trends. We’ll go in whatever direction we feel is most interesting, combined with the passion of whoever leads the project. As long as whoever leads the project has enough passion, then I’m sure we will achieve our goals.

“It is a project dear to our hearts and has even become a part of some of the veteran creators’ lives. We have a huge history making these games and still have a good relationship with 2K. Anyhow, WWE would never allow us to stop making these games! However, the new project we have in mind will be the internal competition for WWE.”

Great news for gamers! We will let you know if we hear anything more.

In other news, check out the latest report on the heat between Luke Harper and Vince McMahon.

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