2) Sgt. Slaughter On What Happened Backstage
Unknown to most fans, Sgt. Slaughter was at ringside during the Montreal Screwjob, standing beside Vince McMahon. Sgt/ Slaughter is a close friend of Vince. It is likely that WWE’s boss brought him along for the match for some extra protection in-case things got violent.
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Slaughter appeared on the Brad & Britt Show where he told his side of what happened. He says that even though referee: Earl Hebner gets credit with calling for the bell, it was actually Vince making the call:
“Vince gets up and yells for the bell. Not the referee, Vince McMahon jumped up, told the bell-ringer to ring the bell”
After what happened, he recalls running into a fuming Bret backstage:
“Vince went in his room and locked the door. Pretty soon here comes Bret and he looked right at me and I said ‘I had no idea’, he looked me right in the eye and said: ‘I believe you’. He finally found Vince’s room and started banging on the door going crazy”
Vince didn’t answer the door and Bret stormed off to the locker room. An interesting perspective on what happened.
1) Bret Knocks Out Vince
After the Montreal Screwjob took place, Vince McMahon had come into the locker room to speak to Bret about what happened. This turned into a fist-fight. Bret recalled the fight in an interview with Sports Illustrated. Vince came into the locker room and received a warning from Bret:
‘If you’re still here after I get dressed, I’m going to punch you out.’”
Vince didn’t leave…. Bret recalls the two of them locking up, ready to throw punches:
“I got a good grip in with my left hand. I think everyone in the room – including Vince – was expecting me to throw an overhand punch. That would be my one shot, but then a bunch of guys would grab my arm, they’d grab Vince, and then we’d have a little pull-apart like they do in wrestling. It would end with me yelling at Vince, calling him a bunch of names, and Vince would have left having backed me down. I knew as we grabbed each other that this was not going to be a long scuffle. Everyone in the room was ready to pounce on us. No one in the room wanted to see us fight”
Bret cracked him with an uppercut, knocking him out cold:
“It was the most beautiful uppercut punch you could ever imagine. I actually thought it would miss and go right up the side of his head, but I popped him right up like a cork was under his jaw and lifted him right off the hand. I broke my right hand just beneath the knuckle, and knocked Vince out cold. He thought he would come out of that OK, but he didn’t plan on an upper cut. They dragged Vince out of the room and it was pretty much done”
At least Bret got some payback for the incident. Thank you for reading. We hope we were able to provide you with some different perspectives on the incident.
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