The fan reaction to Roman Reigns has been a controversial topic within the wrestling world over the past couple months. With all the negativity that Reigns receives from the fans, it seems like he has the full support from the WWE locker room. Every interview I have seen has only praised Reigns as being a great guy for the position he is in. The Miz continued this trend in a recent interview with Sports Illustrated where he talked about a wide variety of topics.
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The Miz speaks about the negative fan reaction to Roman Reigns:
“You know, you boo Roman Reigns, but there is no denying his athletic talent. The only reason you guys don’t like him is because you think the company is giving him the rocket, but the fact is the guy deserves it. He has a coolness, and he’s calm, cool, collected in that ring. As much as you want to boo him, the fact still remains that guy is talented, he’s tough, and he’s very good at what he does.”
Source: Sports Illustrated
The rocket that the Miz talks about the company pushing Roman Reigns to the moon as the top guy in the WWE and being in a lot of main event matches. This has pissed off a lot of fans who don’t think Reigns deserves it or feel like others deserve the spot more than him. I think there is no question that Roman is a hard worker and great talent. Fans just haven’t accepted him fully as the top guy. The key thing is that people are making noise when Roman Reigns is on screen and that’s all the WWE cares about.
Let us know your thoughts on the Miz’s comments.
See also: Roman Reigns talks about the Shield Reuniting in the future.
Ive said it before and i’ll keep saying it. If you IWC guys really dont want Reigns as champion then unsubscribe WWE Network & stop watching RAW and/or Smackdown. Its very simple and easy. You WILL be heard by Vince that way. But most of you guys are diehard wrestling fans who are obsessed w wrestling. Taking a break will be a good thing for a lot of yall.
I watched WWF/WCW when I was a kid. Around 2000-2002 i felt like that product was beginning not to become any good in my personal opinion. So do you know what i did? I didnt do like most of the IWC guys and continue to “hate watch” the WWE. No, I stopped watching altogether. Up until the end of 2014, THEN I started watching again.
I went 10-14 years straight without watching wrestling that i loved as a kid. Now i think the product is great. PG not so much but i have a 6 yr old son so part of me is happy for the PG.
Most of you stupid IWC cant go 14 days w out watching WWE much less 14 yrs.
The main point im trying to make is. . . why do you fool(IWC) continue to hate watch?? Why cant u just stop watching altogether? WWE/Vince owes yall nothing.
Good day sir.
Wwe doesn’t owe their most loyal fan base anything? How do you figure? Why would fans stop watching wwe all together if their major problem is just with 1 guy, that makes no sense
WWE owes nothing to anybody. Compare it to real life. If you barely start a new job/career and you work harder than everybody else & you get promoted before guys that have been there longer than you or have more “experience” elsewhere, are you supposed to turn down the promotion? No you’re not, you accept the position & make the other guys deal with it.oh “but he cant talk on the mic”. . . so what?! God makes everybody different & thays how life is. Lot of smart marks/IWC mad at Roman cause others have traveled all over the world and wrestled but do you know who else have traveled all over the world and wrestled? WWE wrestlers too.
If you get that promotion, no you don’t owe anyone anything, but what a stupid thing for ANY self-respecting company to do. Wwe owes its fans a lot because without them, they wouldn’t be worth a dime. And it’s not like the smarks only like former Indy guys. They like others too, like Bray Wyatt, DZ, Charlotte, Natalya, Tyler Breeze, Shinsuke Nakamura, Tyson Kidd, Wade Barrett etc. You have to think about how undeserved a push the one Reigns is getting is, and how fucking green of a performer he is
Well an underserved/deserved push is based on personal opinion alonr. And i dont even know what being “green” means in wrestling lingo. To me he seems like the best guy to be champion. Sure his promos are sub-par but I dont watch wrestling for promos so i could care less. . . . . and “fans” are the reason any company is successful. . . nba, nfl, ESPN, etc. etc. Nobody owes us anything. For example, lets say a guy who works with lumber always goes to a wood shop and always buys 2×4’s of wood consistently for 2 years straight. Does the “wood shop owner” say “Oh hes been a loyal customer for 2 years straight, let just give him lumber for free?” NO! They continue to charge him. They dont owe that guy anything. Its a business.
People are actually rewarded that way. Green is Roman, a guy with a lot to learn.
People are not rewarded that way. You cant just put false statements and call them facts. What has the UFC, NBA, NFL & any other sport company done for the fans? Nothing. So why does the WWE need to listen to us? They have been running a show non-stop since the 70’s(probably before that) every single Monday. . . no breaks, no re-runs, no nothing. I dont think you understand how hard it is to do that. The only sport in the world that is 24/7.
RAW has only been on since 93. Smackdown since 01. In the 70s, most wrestling shows came on once or twice a month, with little to no live events. And pro wrestling isn’t a sport, it’s an entertainment industry.
Thats wassup bro. Thanks for correcting me.
“Green is Roman, a guy with a lot to learn.” ….so you’re a wrestling professional? No! You’re greener than him. I can’t tell a NBA or UFC rookie how to improve his game. Even somebody who plays Minor League Baseball has more experience than the fans.
Well, it’s a good thing I’m not actually wrestling in the wwe then right? But if I was, I’d definitely be better than that guy.
. . . .and on that note, we’ll just end the conversation here.
It’s funny how the IWC whines that WWE never makes new stars, but they hate and boo any new star the WWE tries to make (Orton, Sheamus, Reigns).
What the IWC really means is, “Push the IWC flavor of the month”. Right now that’s Kevin Owens.
Orton and Sheamus aren’t new stars and Reigns gets a heel reaction. Every guy can’t get cheered.
I still like Reigns I dunno what’s wrong with these people.
Its the thing to do now. Its just the popular thing to do man.
It’s sad that others can’t think for themselves anymore and have to jump on some hate bandwagon.
“We hate Reigns, he’s green.” haha. Hes been wrestling around the world over 3 years tho. All because hes not the best technical wrestler. smh.
Neither are DZ, Bray Wyatt, and Damian Sandow, and people still like them.
As oppose to actually having reasons for disliking him, like the fact that hes boring, slow, doesnt undrstand in ring psychology, always has some dumb, stupid, condescending look on his face, cuts lackluster promos, cant act for shit, and is annoying as hell, and is getting shoved down peoples throats.
. . . . and yet you still watch. SMH. I went 14 years without watching the WWE from 2000-2014 because I didnt like the direction it was going in. I loved the attitude era(late 90s) as a kid. Maybe u should take the same approach and give wrestling a break.
I use to watch South Park until one day I stopped liking it. So i stopped watching it. I didnt continue to watch it & talk about how much it sucks. And thats because I thought a lot of the characters were still good.
It seems like you have a serious problem with Reigns, most likely you are just on the ‘i hate roman’ bandwagon(be a leader, not a follower). . How bout NOT watching WWE for the rest of the year?
Oh wait, you are a smart mark/IWC guy who cant stop watching. Hahaha.
“In ring phychology” —- “Smark Mark/IWC term.
Only people in the wrestling business can use that term. You just sit on your ass and watch Raw every monday.
Only in wrestling do fans think they know SO MUCH about, its pitiful.
Like i said, i went 14 years without watching wrestling and in 2016, i had no idea so many people “hate watch” it. Its quite phenomenal(no pun intended).
So your solution to dealing with a wrestler I don’t like is to stop watching the ENTIRE SHOW? Really? In what world does that makes sense? That’s like if someone realized they didn’t like shrimp, so they decided to stop eating food all together. Did you particularly care for EVERY SINGLE character during the attitude era? Probably not, yet you still watched RAW. I didn’t criticize the show as a whole, just one guy, and yet I should stop watching? It’s amazing the way you know-it-alls think. Newsflash, when Reigns was in the Shield and everybody digged the guy, I didn’t like him then, why, cause I saw the numerous flaws in his shtick. It has nothing to do with some goddamn fabricated bandwagon. And as far as not being part of the wrestling business, I and other fans have paid money to see their shows & have supported it for years. And it’s not even a real sport. I am a part of the wrestling business.
If someone doesnt like shrimp, they should avoid it all together. Not keep eating shrimp & talking about how much they hate it.
And im a casual fan.. . not a know it all or part of the IWC.
. . . and i guess im in the fashion business since i buy clothes. . .etc. etc. . . and whatever else i spend money on. smh
I really dont care if you think wrestling is a “real” sport or not. Doesnt affect me.
But hey, i got class in 25 minutes, i hope you’re putting the same passion of hating Reigns, into something positive to improve your own life and future. See ya IWC member.
Considering you’re commenting on wrestling, on the Internet, I’d say you’re just as much of a smark as anyone. Embrace it wannabe casual fan.
Naw, casual fan who watches WWE without complaining about who should/shouldnt be champion. . . who does the best/ or lacks promo skills. . . . who has great/lacks “ring phychology(??). . . and feels like the WWE owes me something.
Definantly a casual fan.
But you are arguing with people who do, ON AN INTERNET WRESTLING SITE!!! Geez, get over yourself!
Im actually arguing with 1 PERSON. . . not multiple people.
And you just admitted it. Well done!
So arguing with 1 person makes me a smart mark?
If it’s on a wrestling site about wrestling, yes.
Fact? Or just your personal opinion?
An observation
yeah except that most of that’s not true, he’s just not the one you smarks wanted to be pushed so you find reasons to hate on him. Many of these things can be said about the ones smarks always fap about like Styles, Rollins, Ambrose, Balor, Owens, Wyatt, Cesaro, Ziggler, American Alpha, Daniel Bryan and many others
That’s why I don’t like him. Can’t speak for anyone else.
I like Reigns. I see do erything the Miz talks about. He most definitely keeps his cool and it doesn’t matter what the decision. He’s not afraid to take anyone in. He’s strongot and like everyone has worked hard to get where he is. They (fans) need to get over it.
Smarks needs someone to boo because they love heels. First it was Cena, now Reigns. Company guys getting the big push who aren’t indy darlings are the new bad guys.