Kevin Owens Says That He Isn’t Trying To Be A Heel

Kevin Owens was recently a guest on the ‘In This Corner’ podcast hosted by CBS Sports. During the interview he spoke about praise that he receives where fans say that he is a good heel.

It turns out that Owens is not actually trying to be a heel at all. Here is what he said on the podcast:

“You know, people throw these words around so much; heel, babyfaces… shoot, kayfabe, work, all of this crap that they hear wrestlers say. I can honestly, genuinely say that I am not trying to be a heel. I don’t know if that makes me a good performer or a bad performer, I’m sure many veterans of the industry will have their opinions on what I just said, but I try to do the best performance I can, and I try and achieve the goal that I know is required of me. That always leads to people hating my guts and makes other people loving what I do. I always try to get the loudest reaction I can, whether it’s being booed out of the building or being cheered… nothing I do is in hopes of receiving either reaction”

He continued, speaking more about his crowd reaction:

“I just want people to be loud, and I want to elicit emotions and that’s what I always try for, so people ask me ‘how are you such a good heel?’ I don’t know the answer, I’m just being me and I just go with what I need to do to get the job done on any show that I’m on and on any particular evening what’s required of me I try to achieve that and I go from there. If people enjoy my work, that’s great, but I don’t set out with a goal in terms of getting a reaction, I just try to do what I can to do it as good as I can.”

An interesting take, what do you think?

See Also: Possible Hint On Kevin Owens’ Future After Hell In A Cell

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