One of the worst storylines in WWE history was all about Katie Vick. It all began on the October 7th, 2002 episode of Monday Night RAW. It has become infamous as one of (if not the worst) angles in WWE history. Below is a brief summary of what happened so you can experience the pain for yourself.
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What Was The Katie Vick Storyline?
October 7th, 2002 episode of RAW
On the episode, Triple H takes out Kane’s tag team partner: The Hurricane, backstage. As a result, this left Kane alone to defend the WWE Tag Team Titles in the main event. Kane is able to win the match but was interrupted by Triple H. Triple H claimed that he knew Kane’s ‘secret’ and asked him if the name: ‘Katie Vick’ rings a bell. He says that 10 years ago, Kane killed her and calls him a murder.
October 14th, 2002 episode of RAW:
Kane addressed the crowd on RAW to explain his side of the story. He goes on to say that one night, he and Katie went to a party and she had too much to drink and he decided that he should drive her home. An animal jumped out in front of them and they swerved off the road. Kane broke his arm but Katie was killed instantly in the crash. He says that it was an accident and that he was sorry that it happened. Triple H came out to try and provoke Kane, saying that he was drinking that night too. He says that the autopsy found Kane’s semen inside of her and that Kane was in love with her.
October 21st, 2001 episode of RAW:
Triple H showed some video footage of Katie Vick’s funeral on the next week on RAW. Triple H was dressed wearing a Kane mask as he addressed the body. Wearing the Kane mask, Triple H went on to grope the body of Vick, who was in the casket. He would go on to have sex with the dead body… The final line was: “I did it, I screwed your brains out”. Kane faced Triple H in a tag team match later in the show. The episode ended with Triple H being stuffed in the trunk of a car by Kane, saying “now I’m going to screw you”. This is one of those episodes that will live on in infamy and one that WWE probably wishes that they could forget.
Read Next: The Original Plans For The Infamous Katie Vick Storyline
October 28th, 2002 episode of RAW
After a ton of complaints from fans about the necrophilia storyline last week, Triple H came to the ring with a mannequin of Katie, insulting fans that were offended. The Hurricane interrupted and showed footage of a hospital. A person wearing a Triple H mask has a number of objects removed from his butt. Triple H eventually snaps and attacks the mannequin. Kane makes the save, and Eric Bischoff announces a casket match as the main event. In the match, Shawn Michaels was hiding in the casket and helped Kane win the match. This lead to a Triple H vs Shawn Michaels feud and the storyline between Kane and Triple H fizzled out.
As a result, this is widely considered one of the worst angles in WWE history and is certainly one that WWE wants you to forget. Do you remember watching this storyline when you were younger? What was your reaction? Let us know in the comment section.
Speaking of Triple H, take the quiz about his career here (we promise that it won’t mention Katie)