July 28th TNA – The show starts with a recap of last week’s BFG Playoffs….. Matt kicks off the show and states that he only care about his family Senor Benjamin and his servants. He then calls out Jeff and reminds him that he is his obsolete mule and is using him to gain a profit. He also tells Jeff that he is better than him but wants him to help him win his match against EC3 but Jeff refuses and told him to call on Senor Benjamin Vanguard 1 or do it on his own. EC3 comes out and says Jeff is relevant and still a creature. Matt threatens to eat EC3 and his cats which makes EC3 mad.
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BFG Playoff Semi-finals:
EC3 vs Broken Matt Hardy- Reby got involved handed the hammer to Jeff he slides it in the ring while Reby is distracting the ref Reby gets knocked off the apron Matt tries to use the hammer but gets caught then EC3 uses his boot to hit Matt and wins the match. WINNER: EC3
Backstage segment between Madison Rayne Allie and Maria: Madison said she stepped aside so Maria and crew can shine but she reminds them that she is still The Queen Bee and wants to know what Maria will do for her once she beats Gail.
Parking Lot Segment between Matt and Jeff where Matt said he will punish Jeff for costing him the match.
Gail Kim vs Madison Rayne- WINNER: Gail Kim
Backstage Segment between Moose and Mike Bennett;
Bennett praises Moose then talks about how Dixie wants him to quit then he talks about how he has beaten EC3 and saved TNA. Then he talks about the BFG Playoffs and how he has already beaten his opponent tonight Drew Galloway so he is only looking forward to Lashley and how he will beat him for the title and Moose will beat him too.
Bram meets Rosemary at her childhood farm and she tells him the story of how her mom killed her cat and when she saw the dead cat in the trashcan she was distraught and climbed into a tree where she would fall and later wake up and a tree calling her name and tells her she had a brother named Montgomery. Bram is freaked out by the story and still doesn’t understand why he is there or why she told him that story and Rosemary said it’s not about the story she is going to show and tell him what happened in the barn.
Moose vs David Star: Star puts up a fight which just angers Moose and he hits the Breaker for the win. WINNER: MOOSE
After the match Mike Bennett gets on the mic and begins to say he can do anything now since he has the backup of Moose and then LASHELY interrupts him. Mike Bennett hypes the match between Lashely and Moose but says no to the match and tells him to focus on helping him win his match later tonight.
Lashley says he wants to win all the gold so he is going for all the singles gold. He challenges anyone on the roster to challenge him and he will dominate him. DJZ comes out and praises Lashely as a dominant wrestler but reminds him he is the #1 contender for the X Division Title and he challenges him for the title but Lashely ups the antenna and allows DJZ to pick the match and DJZ picks a ladder match.
X Division Championship Ladder Match:
Backstage segment between Drew Galloway and EC3: DREW praises EC3 on how he beat Matt Hardy considering all the family drama going on and it looks like the finals could be EC3 vs Drew Galloway but Drew still has to beat Mike Bennett and Moose and EC3 offers to help him with Moose but Drew doesn’t want his help since it always backfires and he says as long as the title is between them they will never be friends.
Bram tells Rosemary that he will always be there for her. Then she tells the story of Johnny who was the first love of her life but stops part way and was scared to tell the rest but Bram convinces her to tells the rest but she said she has to go to the exact spot so the ghost can help her tell the rest of the story. To be continued…
FACT OF LIFE: Eli Drake is mad at Lashely’s comments about taking all the singles gold and says there is no one who can take The King of the Mountain title from him and James Storm interrupts him which leads to a title match in which if James loses the match then he can’t drink beer use his theme song and can’t ride his boozer cruiser ever again.
Tyrus the fixer promo
Segment between Grado and Shera: Grado is on the phone with Tyrus and tells him they need his help but can’t pay so Tyrus hangs up.
Brawl backstage between The BroMans and Decay which is the beginning of a World Tag Team Title Match
Monster’s Ball World Tag Team Title Match:
BFG Playoffs Semi-finals:
Mike Bennett with Maria vs Drew Galloway: During Drew’s entrance Moose attacked him from behind and powerbomb him on the ring apron and the match still goes on. The match begins to breakdown when Mike Bennett accidentally punches the ref and knocks him down Drew then hits the future shock ddt and pins Bennett for more than a three count but the ref is still down which leads to Moose coming back out and delivering the sky high but then EC3 comes out to take out Moose and then Maria slides Bennett a kendo stick which EC3 takes from Bennett and tries to use on him but hits Drew by mistake which leads to Moose hitting The Game Breaker on him then Bennett hitting the MIP (Miracle In Progress) for the win. WINNER THE MIRACLE MIKE BENNETT
Injury Report: During his match with Matt Hardy it seems to look like EC3 hurt his ankle after doing a top rope dropkick but seems to be fine since he came to save Drew in the main event but he was busted open on the edge of his nose near his eye due to Matt a hardy biting him there.
Thanks to @YorkJavon!!!!