It was announced in early January that John Cena would need shoulder surgery. Many fans have been upset that this injury would keep Cena out of action for WrestleMania 32. For any normal human, shoulder surgery likely keeps you out if action for a couple months at the minimum, but we all know that John Cena is a freak of nature. Could he be back in time for WrestleMania 32?

Note: This is entirely speculation as I am not a doctor.

Two tweets from Cena have me thinking that he might be ready to go April 3rd for a match.

Yesterday he tweeted that 5 weeks post-surgery he has seen a lot of progress:

He also tweeted tweeted a video of himself squatting a fair amount of weight:

I think John Cena is an incredible athlete and is super-human. I think with the progress he is showing, we very well could see him come WrestleMania time. Like I said, I am no doctor so feel free to comment with any insight you might have on shoulder injuries.

If he were able to return, I think fans would love to see him face-off against the Undertaker at WrestleMania. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below!

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