3) Carlito’s Drunken Fight With Cena
On an old episode of the Konnan Show hosted by the MLW Network, former WWE star Carlito recalled the time that he got into a drunken fight with John Cena.
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The fight was actually a lesson from Cena to Carlito to apply himself in the wrestling business more. Carlito says that he refused to punch the ‘Face That Runs The Place”:
“I actually had a fight with Cena. I forget where it was, but we got into a fight. A drunken fist fight. He told me I wasn’t applying myself. He said I should be at a higher level. I didn’t punch him because I’m not going to punch the face of the company. It was more like a drunken fight. I don’t think we were out to hurt each other. I was just defending myself, but Cena, he’s strong as hell.”
Carlito continued:
“He jumped at me first. They ended up separating us about three times. I felt like he and I had always been close. I think he just wanted to see me do better. Cena is one of those guys that’s a top guy, but he wants to see other guys. He doesn’t try to hold guys down, he wants to see them come up.”
Love Cena trying to teach a lesson via a fis tfight while intoxicated.
2) Cena The Drunken Marriage Counsellor
In his book: ‘The Best in the World: At What I Have No Idea‘, Chris Jericho told a story about a night where he went drink for drink with Cena in Alaska.
In his drunken state, Cena actually saved the marriage of a couple that was thinking about divorcing:
“After a show in Anchorage, we hit the bar to keep warm and went pretty hard for a few hours. There were plenty of fans hanging around and John started counseling a troubled young couple, giving them marital advice like a beefy Dr. Phil”
Cena ended up saving the day with his advice, convincing the couple to stay together:
“They were listening intently and, after some deep soul-searching, agreed with Dr. John (Cena) that they were made for each other and should call off their impending divorce. Their marriage was saved, we staggered back to my room to have a few more drinks”
John Cena wins even when it comes to saving marriages.
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