Jim Ross Reveals The Backstage Pep Talk He Gave To Tyler Bate & Pete Dunne Before NXT Takeover: Chicago

Pete Dunne and Tyler Bate put on arguably one of the best matches of 2017 so far at NXT Takeover: Chicago [here is the rest of the list for WWE matches]. It turns out that they received a pretty awesome pep talk from Jim Ross before the match backstage. JR called their match at the event.

JR was interviewed by Bleacher Report to promote his new bookSlobberknocker: My Life in Wrestling (Buy Here). During the interview, he shared what he told Bate and Dunne backstage before their match:

“I go to catering, and I see Tyler Bate sitting over here. I see Pete Dunne sitting over here. I say, ‘You, come here. Get over here.’ They don’t know me from God-damned Adam.  I said, ‘I want to talk to you boys.’ Their eyes got this big. They are looking up at me. They’re great kids. I love these two kids”

Ross continued, revealing what he told them:

“I say, ‘You need to understand this is probably the biggest night of your career. You’ve heard that all day, right? You believe that, right? Well, here’s something you haven’t heard. It’s the biggest day of my career, too. I’m coming back to work, and I plan on kicking some ass tonight, so you little bastards better give me something to work with.’

I wanted them to understand the opportunity they had doesn’t come along all the time. The timing, the lay of the land, right place, right time. Wrestling is a funny genre in that regard. The table was set for them. It happens to all of us no matter what we do in our lifetime. We have to understand when there is an opportunity there to better our lives, to help us professionally, to give us a little comfort in our daily life, go for it. There is no guarantee it’s gonna happen again.”

Safe to say that they listened to his advice and stole the show. An awesome match.

Related – List of the highest rated WWE matches of 2017. 

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