There have been some rumors circulating this week that the WWE has interest in bringing back Matt Hardy to the company. Hardy has the wrestling world buzzing with his character: Broken Matt, on TNA each week. Hardy’s contract is set to expire in the near future and with uncertainty surrounding ownership of TNA, who knows where Hardy will end up. Jim Ross discussed these rumors in a recent blog entry.
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Here is what JR said regarding the rumors of Matt Hardy to WWE:
“Saw where WWE is allegedly hoping that Matt Hardy returns to WWE when his TNA contract ends. Don’t know the validity of this latest, rasslin rumor but to be able to get BOTH Hardy’s back in WWE would likely make many Hardy fans happy. Matt has developed the freshest, most unique pro wrestling TV persona in the biz which is a tribute to a talent with an established persona recreating himself with a new persona. If more talents would think outside the box like this, more talents would have less to complain about regarding their elusive “push” (Source: JRSBARBQ).
Matt will be on Ross’ podcast (the Ross Report) in the near future. Make sure to check out or The Ross Report on Podcast One to support the legendary JR!
[irp posts=”13703″ name=”Matt Hardy Responds To The Wyatt Family Compound On RAW”]
Lets hear it fellow Wrestling Nerds! Would you like to see Matt Hardy return to the WWE for one final run? Or should he stay in TNA where he is thriving? Leave us a comment below! We want to hear from you! I personally would like to see both him and Jeff return before they hang up the boots!
I just have to say it… broken matt hardy is an insult to any true wrestling fans intelligence. BMH is to wrestling what sharknado is to cinema. most only like it because its so bad. people watch car crashes not because its awesome, but because of the spectacle. of course all wrestling is subjective, but BMH is campy, tacky, bad acting, poorly produced, cheeseball… I truly believe it was matt hardy messing around to see what he could get on TV and because TNA is so dysfunctional, they didn’t know the difference.
ive watched the BMH stuff, so I don’t want to hear that I haven’t given it a shot or a chance. its bad.. and the only reason its interesting to those who fawn over it is because it shows dichotomy of a once great tag-team wrestler turned into a side show gimmick. its like the rebirth of the original Nintendo when we have things that FAR supersede Nintendo, but yet everyone wants to jump on the old Nintendo train because its the cool and nostalgic thing to do … same w/ matt hardy.
I think people deep down are honestly laughing at matt hardy and the gimmick all the while trying to convince themselves that they’re laughing w/ him. even though they’ll defend him like he’s an actual genius.
in today society people equate different to mean good or entertaining. if I grabbed a bunch of dog poop and rubbed it on the mona lisa, would that make it great to some respect? its different! its original! n one else has ever rubbed dog sh%# all over the mona lisa before! I must be a one-of-a-kind genius!
NO! it’s just so mind numbingly dumb. and the last bit ill say about this… our standards of what is ‘great’ has shifted drastically. ask yourself this… is broken matt hardy and his entire gimmick big in the 80’s w/ stars like hogan, savage, jake roberts, piper, warrior…. NO! because these were the best of the best at the time. is BMH big in the attitude era w/ Austin, rock, angle, foley, taker, Jericho, THE HARDY BOYS! (by that I mean the hardy boys gimmick – not the BMH gimmick) … NO! the only reason BMH is seemingly popular is because the standard has dropped to an all new low. and we accept BMH… we accept it because it essentially is spitting in our face and pointing out just how bad the industry as a whole is right now.