5) Less 50/50 Booking
50/50 booking is when a wrestler wins a match one week, only to have the losing wrestler get their win back on the next week’s episode.
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I feel like WWE does this a lot. Someone like Finn Balor will pick up a big against Drew McIntyre, only to have Drew beat Finn the next week to even things out.
To me, this type of booking makes fans feel like wins and losses don’t matter. Why would I invest in Balor beating McIntyre, since I know that he is going to lose next week anyway?
Nobody really gets over with 50/50 booking and I say that WWE should limit it. Sure, there will be situations where someone can get their win back but let’s make it more unpredictable. Let’s make wins and losses matter a bit more. Limiting 50/50 booking could help with that.
4) We Need More Factions
I am a firm believer that WWE needs to better implement factions on the main roster.
I feel like larger factions open up a lot of storyline possibilities for WWE. They could have factions feuding with other factions. They could have faction members feuding with one another. Also, there could be power struggles between leaders. To me, there are plenty of roads that WWE can explore with some good factions.
Also, this allows WWE to better utilize their roster. If you aren’t using a talent, toss him or her into a faction that makes sense and see how they do. Gives them something to do instead of hanging out in catering.
I always loved factions growing up and I think WWE needs to do a better job of using them on the main roster. Could help fans get more invested.
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