How The WWE Locker Room Feels About Wrestlemania 36 Not Being Canceled

The coronavirus is officially a global pandemic and a ton of major events have been canceled. As of writing this, Wrestlemania 36 is one of the few events that has not yet been canceled.

Sports Illustrated reports that they have reached out to more than 20 Superstars on the WWE roster. They asked how they are feeling about WWE still going forward with the event.

The report suggests that every Superstar they spoke to is concerned with performing in front of such a big crowd. Here is an excerpt from the report:

Sports Illustrated reached out to over 20 members of the WWE roster, connecting with a dozen. Each expressed concern about performing in front of such a massive crowd, especially with the possibility of the situation worsening before WrestleMania.

Talent could only speculate on the fate of WrestleMania, but the majority felt it will be canceled due to the evolving situation with the outbreak. 

We will let you know if we hear anything more on the status of the event.

Let me know what you think in the comment section below or on Twitter.

In other news, check out our Wrestlemania 38 predictions.

On a related note, check out my predictions for Wrestlemania 37 here.

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