7 Possible Feuds For Finn Balor After Wrestlemania 35

1) Finn Balor vs Seth Rollins

The feud that I think has the most potential for Finn Balor would be with Seth Rollins. This is because there is already a built-in storyline here now that Rollins won the Universal Championship.

Balor and Rollins faced off a few years ago at Summerslam for the Universal Title. Balor won the Title but was forced to vacate after getting injured during the match.

I think that they could easily do a Finn vs Seth feud for the Universal Title after Wrestlemania. The storyline would be that Finn wants to reclaim his Title from the man who injured him.

If it was up to me, I would do this feud at Summerslam since that is where their last match took place. I think there is some money here.

Who would you like to see Finn feud with after Wrestlemania? Let me know in the comment section below.

On a related note, check out 8 potential feuds for AJ Styles after Wrestlemania 35.

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