Welcome to the Fantasy Booking section on IWNerd.com. This is something we thought we would try since a lot of our readers have amazing ideas. If you want to fantasy book something, use the contact section on our site and get in touch with us! This was written by Damien Drain @DaDrainPipe on Twitter if you want to get in touch with him!
You can check out my latest WWE predictions video on Youtube: Wrestlemania 41 predictions: John Cena vs Cody Rhodes.
[irp posts=”11901″ name=”Fantasy Booking – WWF 2001: WWF vs WCW Part 1-Backlash Shot Fired””]
At Backlash Shane McMahon made good on his promise as Mike Awesome became the first WCW superstar to appear on WWF TV when Awesome helped Shane defeat his father Vince in a Last Man Standing Match. Now Mike Awesome seeks WWF gold. While Shane and WCW make there move Stone Cold and Triple H’s rivalry for the WWF Championship reaches a level that forces the rivalry to end only one way and that is inside Hell.
Judgment Day Match Card and Build
May 20th, 2001 from ARCO Arena in Sacramento, CA
WWF Championship Hell in a Cell Match Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) defends against Triple H
– The Night After Backlash on Monday Night Raw, Stone Cold Steve Austin opened the show cutting a promo about retaining the WWF Championship at Backlash against Triple H before he was interrupted by Rikishi who challenged Stone Cold to a WWF Title Match later in the night stating they have unfinished business from No Mercy of last year when Stone Cold attempted to run him over and Austin accepted Rikishi’s challenge as Austin would tell Rikishi since he tried to screw him out of the title at Backlash he was going to put his foot up Rikishi’s thong wearing ass
– In the main event of Raw, Stone Cold defeated Rikishi to retain the WWF Championship but after the match Triple H came out and attacked Austin as HHH and Rikishi beat down Austin, HHH grabbed a steel chair and put the chair around Austin’s ankle but Stone Cold’s wife Debra came out and attempted to get HHH and Rikishi not to break Stone Cold’s ankle as HHH and Rikishi seemingly were going to leave the ring as Debra and officials got the chair off of Austin’s ankle but after Rikishi left and as HHH was semingly going to leave. HHH pulled back and grabbed Debra and laid out Debra with the pedigree to end Monday Night Raw
– Stone Cold would go crazy on Smackdown through out the show attacking superstars, officials backstage and he interrupted the main event match between X-Factor vs The Dudley Boys in a 6 Man Tag Team Tables Match beating the hell out of them all with a Steel Chair and giving them all Stone Cold Stunners to end Smackdown
– Vince McMahon and Stephanie McMahon came out the following week to open up Monday Night Raw as Vince would talk about the end of last week’s actions as Vince would proceed to announce that Triple H would face Stone Cold Steve Austin in a rematch for the WWF Title at Judgment Day and as soon as Vince announced that HHH would get a rematch against Austin
– Stone Cold’s music hit and Austin would come out and Vince attmepted to calm Austin down but as soon as Austin got in the ring Austin would hit Vince with the Stunner and Austin would even nail Stephanie with a Stunner which led to Triple H coming out leading to a huge brawl that saw members of the WWF Roster come out to try to break it up but Austin and HHH would continue to brawl backstage which led to the New York Police Department getting involved as both Triple H and Stone Cold would end up getting arrested and taken to jail
– On Smackdown J.R and Paul Heyman would announce that Triple H and Stone Cold were released from jail but would also announce that Vince McMahon would be on Raw and make a announcement regarding the Stone Cold and Triple H incident on Raw and make a announcement about there WWF Title match at Judgment Day
– Vince McMahon would come out on the final Monday Night Raw before Judgment Day and announce that after last week he would be suspending Stone Cold and Triple H for that night’s Raw and Smackdown as Vince would explain that he wanted them both to focus on the match at Judgment Day because after last week and after Backlash, Vince announces that there is only one match that Stone Cold and Triple H can have at Judgment Day and that match is…Hell…in the Cell! On Smackdown video packages of the Stone Cold vs HHH rivalry and HHH’s history in Hell in a Cell matches are shown
The Brothers Of Destruction vs The 2 Masked Men
– The Night After Backlash on Monday Night Raw, The Brothers of Destruction would come out and The Undertaker did the talking cut a promo calling out the 2 masked punks who costs them the WWF Tag Team Championship so they can make them famous but they were interrupted by The Right to Censor who challenged them to a match which led to The Brothers of Destruction defeating and basically destroying The Right to Censor
– On Smackdown The Undertaker would defeat Stevie Richards but after the match we see on the titantron the 2 masked men attacking Kane and they smash Kane’s still injuried arm against a crate backstage as The Undertaker is able to get backstage but the 2 masked men run off before Taker can get to them
– On Raw, The Undertaker would go into William Regal’s office and demand a match with the two masked men and Regal would agree to give The Undertaker a match with them at Judgment Day and if Kane was healthy by then then it would be a Tag Team Match but while that was going on in the office in the ring the 2 masked men came out and actually called out The Undertaker who was watching in Regal’s office as Taker made his way to the ring and would get into a brawl with the masked men but the masked men got the advantage when one of them hit Taker with a singapore cane and then the other one whacked Taker over the head with a Steel Chair which made Taker bleed.
– On the following week’s Raw, The two masked men would come out and one of them cut a promo about The Brothers of Destruction and saying that at Judgment Day things would get much worse for The Undertaker before the fire hit as The Brothers of Destruction would come out to the ring as the two masked men would bail out
– On Smackdown in a backstage segment The Undertaker and Kane were handed a envolpoe from one of the backstage workers and Taker opened up and got pissed as the photos turned out to be pictures of him and his wife Sara as J.R and Paul Heyman on commentators speculated that this was the Masked Men trying to get into The Undertaker’s head as Taker and Kane would come out later in the night and defeated Eddie Guerrero and Dean Malenko
– On the final Raw before Judgment Day, The Undertaker would search for the masked men and found them and chased them to a locker room and when they opened it up it was revealed there was a shrine of pictures of The Undertaker’s wife Sara as Taker would rip the pictures off the wall and Taker would see a shadow and would go toward it but as he walked toward it he would be whacked with a singapore cane across the head by some one off camera and Kane would be attacked by the two masked men once again later in the night when Kane faced X-Pac as the masked men would attack Kane with singapore canes before The Undertaker came out and was able to chase them off. On Smackdown The Brothers of Destruction would be interviewed and Taker said that at Judgment Day would be those 2 masked punks last day because hell is coming with him and Kane to Judgment Day
WWF Intercontinetal Championship Brass Knuckles On A Pole Match William Regal (c) defends against Chris Jericho
– The Night After Backlash on Monday Night Raw, William Regal came out cutting a promo about his victory over Chris Jericho in the Dutchess of Queensbury Rules Match and that he has left it beyond a doubt that Jericho would never get another match for the Intercontinental Championship which leads to Linda McMahon making her first TV appearence since WrestleMania 17 coming out and Linda tells Regal that she feels that against Chris Jericho that Regal has done nothing but to abuse the authority he has as the commissioner and she proceeds to announce that Jericho will get one more match for the IC Title at Judgment Day
– Jericho would end up coming out and getting into a brawl with Regal and Regal tries to use the brass knuckles again but this time Jericho is able to stop him and Jericho knocks Regal out with the brass knuckles and Jericho would stand tall with the brass knucks and the IC Title but then on Smackdown, Regal would attack Jericho before a match with Dean Malenko as Regal used the brass knucks to injure Jericho’s ribs which led to Malenko winning the match via submission with the texas cloverleaf due to the pain Jericho’s ribs were in
– On Raw, Regal would defeat Steve Blackman and Jericho would come out on the stage after the match on the stage and cut a promo challenging Regal to add a twist of his own to there Intercontinental Title match at Judgment Day and that was to make the brass knuckles legal for there match where they would hang it on a pole and whomever would be able to pull down the brass knuckles can then use them as a weapon which Regal agrees too before Regal uses his commissioner power to put another stipulation on the match and that is if Jericho loses he will never get another match for the Intercontinental Championship which Jericho would agree too saying “Considering i’ve pissed in your tea before this will be the only shot i need to knock the piss out of your mouth with your own knucks” and on Smackdown, Jericho would defeat Regal’s Hand Choosen Opponent Albert
– On the final Raw before Judgment Day, Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit vs William Regal and Kurt Angle would go to a no contest due to all 4 men brawling as Regal would get the upper hand on Jericho once again by hurting his ribs with the brass knucks and locking Jericho in the Regal Stretch on the commentary table and on Smackdown, Regal would defeat Matt Hardy and Jericho would attack Regal after the match but Regal would again attack Jericho’s injuried ribs and would grab a steel chair and unfold it as Regal hit a gutbuster to Jericho’s ribs through the chair
30 Minute Ultimate Submission Match Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle
– The Night After Backlash on Monday Night Raw, Kurt Angle defeated Val Venis and Kurt cut a promo after the match about being the greatest technical wrestler in the history of the WWF and that last night he truly won because he made Benoit tap out and locked Benoit in the Ankle Lock a 2nd time and made him scream like a bitch which led to Benoit appearing on the titantron in WWF New York cutting a promo and challenging Angle to prove who truly was the greatest technical wrestler in the WWF in a 30 Minute Ultimate Submission Match at Judgment Day which Kurt accepted
– Chris Benoit on Smackdown would defeat Tazz via submission making Tazz tap out to the crossface as Angle attacked Benoit after the match with a Steel Chair and then Angle pulled out Milk Cartins from under the ring and would pour milk all over Benoit after beating the hell out of Benoit with the chair
– On Raw, Kurt Angle would defeat Taka Michinoku with the Ankle Lock and after the match Angle would celebrate with milk until he was hit with a german suplex by Chris Benoit and then Benoit would grab a steel chair and knock Angle out with a chair shot to the face as Benoit would end up taking possession of Kurt’s Gold Medals and on Smackdown, Benoit would mock Angle’s entrance before Benoit would defeat Rhyno
– On the final Raw before Judgment Day, Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit vs William Regal and Kurt Angle would go to a no contest due to all 4 men brawling as Angle and Benoit brawled backstage and Angle was able to lock Benoit in the Ankle Lock and had him screaming in pain as officials were trying to get Angle off of Benoit as Angle finally let go and took possession of his gold medals back and on Smackdown, Kurt Angle defeated Funaki by submission with the Ankle Lock as Chris Benoit would come out and attack Angle and lock Angle in the crossface with officials and agents attempting to get Benoit off of Angle
Hardcore Match For The WWF Hardcore Championship The Big Show (c) defends against WCW’s Mike Awesome
– The Night After Backlash on Monday Night Raw, The Big Show retained the WWF Hardcore Title defeating Test but after the match Mike Awesome came out and attacked The Big Show with a Steel Chair nailing him 3 times in the head with the chair as the third chair shot as Mike Awesome would leave the ring and go through the crowd with a smirk on his face
– On Smackdown Shane McMahon and Mike Awesome would hop over the barrciade as Shane would cut a promo saying that he made a promise that Backlash that one WCW wrestler would make a appearence and Shane proceeds to make another promise that Backlash was only the beginning which leads to Test coming out and Test would cut a promo telling Shane it did not have to be this way which leads to Shane telling Test “It had to be this way when Vince tried to buy WCW and i took it from him” leading to Mike Awesome attacking Test and laying Test out with the Awesome Bomb
– On Raw, The Big Show and Test would come out as The Big Show ended up calling out Mike Awesome and Shane McMahon as Shane would come out and Shane tells The Big Show that Mike Awesome has no problem facing The Big Show but if he wants to face him he can face him at Judgment Day for the WWF Hardcore Championship which Test accepted on Big Show’s behalf which drew the ire of Big Show and on Smackdown The Big Show would dominate Little Spike Dudley as a “preview” of what The Big Show said he would do to Mike Awesome at Judgment Day
– On the final Raw before Judgment Day, Shane McMahon would face Test in a Street Fight where Shane ends up defeating Test with the help of Mike Awesome hitting a running Awesome Bomb to Test through a table propped in the corner and then The Big Show would come out and would punch a steel chair into Awesome’s face and would go to chokeslam Shane but Awesome would come back and whack The Big Show in the back with a Steel Chair that had no effect as Shane and Awesome high tailed it out of the ring and through the crowd and on Smackdown, The Big Show would destroy Hardcore and Crash Holly in a 2 on 1 Hardcore Handicap Match as a tune up match before facing Awesome at Judgment Day
WWF Womens Championship Match Chyna (c) defends against Trish Stratus w/Eddie Guerrero as the Special Guest Referee
-The Night After Backlash on Monday Night Raw, Chyna retained the WWF Womens Title against Lita and Chyna cut a promo after the match about how she has dominated the WWF since she came in 1997 and that she felt she has left no competition for her which led to Trish Stratus coming out and cutting a promo telling Chyna that at Backlash she gave her the competition she wanted and Trish told Chyna she feels she can beat her and challenges her to a rematch for the WWF Womens Title at Judgment Day but Stephanie McMahon comes out and tells Trish she would have to earn her way back to a title match in a number one contenders match on Smackdown
-On Smackdown Trish became number one contender defeating Ivory and Lita in a Triple Threat Match and after the match Ivory would attack Trish only for Chyna to come out and lay Ivory out with the powerbomb but Chyna would not help Trish up as Chyna just stared right at Trish holding up the WWF Womens Title
-Trish and Chyna would win there respective matches on Raw and Smackdown the following week with Chyna defeating Molly Holly on Raw and Trish defeating Ivory on Smackdown
-On the final Raw before Judgment Day, Stephanie McMahon would come out pissed after being stunned the week prior calls Chyna out and Stephanie gets in Chyna’s face telling her she still remembers what Chyna did to her on the Smackdown before Backlash and decides that if her father does not want Stone Cold as the WWF Champion then she does not want Chyna as the WWF Womens Champion and proceeds to announce that she has made one added wrinkle to the match between Chyna and Trish at Judgment Day by appointing a Special Referee and Stephanie proceeds to announce that the Special Referee would be Chyna’s ex Eddie Guerrero and on Smackdown, Eddie would referee Chyna’s match against Jacquilene and Eddie would end up screwing over Chyna by fast counting Chyna to give Jacquilene the victory but Chyna after the match attacked Jacquilene and laid her out with the powerbomb and warned Eddie if he attmepts to screw her over at Judgment Day that is what would happen to him at Judgment Day
Other Matches Include
WWF Tag Team Championship Tag Team Turmoil Match E&C (c) defends against X-Factor’s X-Pac and Albert, The Dudley Boys, The Hardy Boys, The APA, Hardcore and Crash Holly and a mystery tag team