Welcome to the Fantasy Booking section on IWNerd.com. This is something we thought we would try since a lot of our readers have amazing ideas. If you want to fantasy book something, use the contact section on our site and get in touch with us! This was written by Damien Drain @DaDrainPipe on Twitter if you want to get in touch with him!
You can check out my latest WWE predictions video on Youtube: Wrestlemania 41 predictions: John Cena vs Cody Rhodes.
Here is the Prologue of his series if you missed it:
As WrestleMania 17 and the Monday Night Wars have come to a end. The Backlash has begun as Stone Cold Steve Austin after winning the WWF Title and stunning Vince McMahon at WrestleMania is back in the cross hairs of not only Vince, but a rival who wants the title back. Edge and Christian endure the wrath of two brothers. Chris Jericho has to fight his way back to getting a Intercontinental Championship rematch and Chris Benoit seeks revenge against Kurt Angle, but while rivalries are reignited. WCW Owner Shane McMahon issues ominous warnings about WCW not being as dead as to be believed heading into Backlash.
Backlash Match Card and Build
April 29th, 2001 from the United Center in Chicago, IL
WWF Championship No Holds Barred Match Stone Cold Steve Austin (c) defends against Triple H w/Stephanie McMahon
– The Night After WrestleMania 17 on Monday Night Raw, Vince McMahon opened the show and announced that due to the injuries he sustained and the fact that he put his hands on him last night that he would be suspending The Rock indefinitely and would not be getting WWF Championship rematch
– Vince goes on to explain that the reason he attempted to help Stone Cold Steve Austin win the title was because after all of the years fighting for survival against WCW he wanted to extend a olive branch to Stone Cold and bury the hatchet between them but instead Vince would state “Stone Cold decided to be Stone Cold and that is being the most stubborn son of a bitch i’ve ever had to deal with” – Stone Cold ended up coming out and explaining to Vince that he does not believe a damn word he has said and that despite the fact that they put WCW out of business that does not change a damn thing considering all of the hell they have put each other through for almost 4 years but Austin does agree that this rivalry between them needs to end for good which leads to Austin challenging Vince to a No Holds Barred match for later that night which Vince accepted
– Stone Cold and Vince McMahon would have there no holds barred match in the main event where Stone Cold would beat the hell out of Vince making him bleed but then Rikishi came out and superkicked Austin which led to Rikishi and Austin brawling and Austin was going to hit Rikishi with the stunner but then Triple H came out and Rikishi ends up shoving Austin into Triple H hitting Austin in the face with the sledgehammer which busted Austin open as Triple H pulled Vince on top of Austin to give Vince the victory as Triple H and Rikishi beat Austin down more after the match as Raw ended with Triple H/Rikishi/Vince standing tall over the fallen Stone Cold Steve Austin
– Triple H would explain on Smackdown his reason for attacking Stone Cold were simple and that is because he beat Stone Cold at No Way Out in there 3 Stages of Hell Match so therfore since Stone Cold is now the WWF Champion that should make him the number one contender for the WWF Title which leads to The Undertaker confronting Triple H about how he beat him at WrestleMania which means if any one should be getting a WWF title match it should be him which leads to commissioner William Regal making a Number One Contenders Match on Raw between Triple H and The Undertaker in a WrestleMania 17
– Triple H ends up becoming Number One Contender defeating The Undertaker on Raw with help from the WWF Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian and after the match as Taker chases Edge and Christian, Stone Cold comes out and gets into a brawl with Triple H which leads to Rikishi coming out and brawling with Austin as HHH escapes but Austin hits Rikishi with the stunner to end Raw
– Stone Cold ends up embarassing Triple H on the following episode Smackdown when he costs HHH a match against Jeff Hardy as HHH would respond by beating the hell out of Austin the next 2 weeks on Raw and on the final episode of Smackdown, Stone Cold would interfere in a match between The Right To Censor vs The Hardy Boys and The APA as Austin beat the hell out of everyone with a Steel Chair to send a message to Triple H which leads to Vince after seeing Austin’s hell raising makes the match between Stone Cold and Triple H at Backlash a No Holds Barred match.
WWF Tag Team Championship Match Edge and Christian (c) defends against The Brothers Of Destruction
– The WWF Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian would cost The Undertaker a number one contenders match against Triple H on Monday Night Raw the week after WrestleMania 17
– Edge and Christian explain on Smackdown that they attacked The Undertaker is because they felt overshadowed at WrestleMania because they stole the show yet everyone was talking about Stone Cold vs The Rock and The Undertaker defeating Triple H which leads to The Undertaker coming out and attacks E&C and was getting the upper hand and had Christian in position for The Last Ride but Edge would level Taker with a chair and as E&C was going for a con-chairto on The Undertaker, Kane comes out to save his brother while E&C get the hell out of dodge
– The following week on Monday Night Raw E&C attacked The Undertaker when he arrived at the building and later in the night Kane had a Hardcore Title match with The Big Show but Edge and Christian cost Kane the match by leveling Kane with a con-chairto
– On Smackdown The Brothers of Destruction went into William Regal’s office and demanded a match with Edge and Christian at Backlash which led to Regal giving them the match under the condition they defeated The Dudley Boys who had yet to receive there rematch with the winners getting a shot at E&C at Backlash as The B-O-D defeated The Dudleys to earn a match with Edge and Christian
– E&C would proceed to mock The B-O-D over the next couple of weeks before on the final Raw before Backlash, E&C would brutally attack The Brothers of Destruction with Steel Chairs and E&C would injure Kane’s arm with a Con-Chairto and on Smackdown they would give The Undertaker a con-chairto after they interfered in a match between The Undertaker and Rhyno
Last Man Standing Match WWF Owner Vince McMahon vs WCW Owner Shane McMahon
– Shane McMahon returned to Monday Night Raw the week after WrestleMania 17 and explained that at WrestleMania he did what he set out do and that was to defend his mothers honor but Shane gives a ominous warning saying “That despite what Vince and many of the other WWF Superstars may think WCW is not as dead as you think it is” and Vince McMahon would come out and confront Shane saying that the only reason he beat him at WrestleMania was because was because of that bitch Trish Stratus and his bitch of a mother Linda and that he wants a rematch at Backlash which Shane accepts and challenges Vince to a fight right there and now but Vince seemingly backs down but when Shane turns his back, Vince grabs a steel pipe out of his suit jacket and turns Shane around and hits him over the head with it busting Shane open
– Shane the following week on Raw would attack Vince in the parking lot as the two would brawl in the parking lot before security broke them up as Vince would go on to announce on Smackdown that the rematch at Backlash would be a Last Man Standing Match
– Vince would end up putting Shane in a match on the final Raw before Backlash as a “warm up” against Test as Vince and the WWF Hardcore Champion The Big Show would come out and beat down Shane and when Vince ordered Test to help beat Shane down. Test refused which lead to The Big Show hitting Test with the chokeslam as The Big Show and Vince proceeded to beat down Shane and The Big Show would end up choke-slamming Shane through the spanish announce table
– Vince on the final cut a promo on Smackdown saying that he was going to end his son at Backlash before Shane interrupts him on the titantron saying that at Backlash he would be the Last Man Standing but Shane gives Vince another ominious warning that at Backlash at least ONE WCW wrestler will make a appearence during Blacklash
Best 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle
– Kurt Angle would spend the next week and a half after Mania gloating about his victory over Chris Benoit at WrestleMania and Angle would attack Benoit after his matches on Raw and Smackdown while running away from Benoit
– On Raw Benoit ends up attacking Angle backstage during a interview leading to a brawl where Benoit actually puts Angle in the Crippler Crossface but would be unable to make Angle tap out as officials was able to get Benoit off of Angle
– William Regal would end up making a Best 2 Out Of 3 Falls between Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit for Backlash after Angle during a interview on Smackdown said he could beat Benoit twice in the same match
– On The Final Raw before Backlash, Angle had a Best 2 Out Of 3 Falls “Tune-Up” as Angle’s opponent turned out to be against Jerry Lynn as Angle ended up winning 2 straight falls and continued to attack Lynn until Benoit came out to make the save and on Smackdown, Angle hand choose Benoit’s opponent which turned out to be Eddie Guerrero as Benoit ended up defeating Guerrero but Angle and The Radicals would attack Benoit after the match
Duchess of Queensbury Rules Match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship William Regal (c) defends against Chris Jericho
– William Regal came out before a IC Title defense and announced that Chris Jericho would not be getting his rematch for the Intercontinental Title and he’d have to earn a rematch as Regal said he was not worthy of a rematch as Regal retained the Intercontinental Title the night after WrestleMania 17 defeating Tazz but Jericho came out and got into a brawl with Regal and almost put him in the Walls of Jericho but Regal low blowed Jericho and used the opportuntiy to escape and on Smackdown Regal would put Jericho in a 3 on 1 Handicap Match against X-Factor which X-Factor won and Regal locked Jericho in the Regal Stretch after the match
– On the following week’s Raw Regal would put Jericho into a European Championship Match with Eddie Guerrero with the stipulation that if Jericho won he would give him a Intercontinental Championship match and Regal ends up costing Jericho the match by hitting Guerrero with the brass knucks leading to the ref DQ’ing Jericho and giving the match to Guerrero and on Smackdown Jericho would end up making Regal give him his IC Title rematch by attacking him during his match with Matt Hardy and Jericho locked him in the Walls of Jericho until Regal agreed to give him his IC Title rematch which Regal agreed to
– Regal on Raw would use his power as commissioner to make the title match with Jericho a Duchess of Queensbury Rules Match but would not explain the rules as Jericho would say over the next week heading into Backlash that he did not give a damn about the rules of a Duchess of Queensbury Rules Match because at Backlash he would be taking back his IC Title while Regal would put Jericho in matches against members of The Radicals and X-Factor in a attempt to weaken Jericho before Backlash which Jericho would win but The Radicals and X-Factor would beat Jericho down after the matches with Regal watching
WWF Womens Championship Match Chyna (c) defends against Trish Stratus – Trish would defeat Stephanie the night after WrestleMania 17 in a Strap Match and after the match in a backstage interview Trish made her intentions clear she wanted a Womens Championship Match with Chyna and on Smackdown Chyna would retain her Womens Title in a rematch with Ivory and after the match Trish came out on the stage and made the motion that she wanted the next Womens Title match
– On the following week’s Raw Stephanie told Trish if she wanted a Womens Championship Match then she would have to defeat Lita in order to get the match but that Chyna would be the Special Referee as Trish ended up defeating Lita as Trish and Chyna got into a staredown
– Over the next couple of weeks Stephanie McMahon would attempt to get into Chyna’s head by trying to convince her that Trish is what the fans really want and that she will never be truly accepted until she brings the old Chyna back that did not take crap from anybody as Trish would end up being beaten down several times heading into Backlash but Chyna would not help Trish but on the final Smackdown before Backlash when Trish confronted Stephanie and got into a catfight with Stephanie, Chyna came out and pulled Trish off of Stephanie but instead of attacking her she just threw her down and when Stephanie got in Chyna’s face. Chyna ended up decking Stephanie with a right hand and left the ring with Trish looking on in surprise at Chyna’s actions.
Other Matches include
WWF Hardcore Championship Match The Big Show (c) defends against Test
And On Sunday Night Heat
WWF European Championship Match Eddie Guerrero (c) defends against Jeff Hardy.
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Always love fantasy booking! Great job in my opinion!