December 19th RAW Live Chat

Welcome to’s coverage of the December 19th RAW episode!  Thank you for reading and please stay with us as we live chat the show!!! Help us out by sharing with your friends! The live chat will be in the comment section below so please come join us!

This is a place to talk wrestling with a fun crew!!!! Don’t be shy as everyone is very welcoming!! All you have to do is introduce yourself and you will make plenty of new wrestling friends!!!



Hope everyone enjoys the December 19th RAW and lets talk wrestling!!!!


Please join us in the comment section (disqus) below for the chat!

310 thoughts on “December 19th RAW Live Chat”

  1. Hey guys! I’m checking in early today. I am not enthused by yesterday’s Roadblock results and no. I did not watch nor do I plan on watching in future. There were just too many “What the hell, WWE?!!!” moments. Let’s try to have fun today though.

        • the only monkey that ain’t in creative is Trips and even he’s gotta be thining “I gotta get rid of these stupid idiot monkies” lol

          • I wonder that too I mean hell Ja’Von already describes my feelings about creative toward and that is #SashaDeservesBetter

          • Yeah, that makes no sense. And on top of that she can’t have another chance to contest the title, I believe. That is so wrong. She should have walked out with the title for keeps. That way later down the road they could have her do a heel turn if they wanted.

          • the best hope is Bayley wins the title they do Sasha vs Bayley at Mania and then for Charlotte do Charlotte vs Ronda Rousey if they can bring in Ronda cause I have no problem with Charlotte vs Ronda for Mania 33 honestly

          • yea although pat of me fears they could do that for the title but I’d rather not lol but I am a crazy person so who knows if I what I say makes sense lol

  2. so Jericho’s gonna be stuck in the cage basically all night…okay could be entertaining but jesus Raw needs a new creative team lol

  3. honestly though does KO have to keep feuding with the same people I mean Raw’s got a bigger roster yet the main event is a new breakfast club basically

  4. New Day nooooooooooooooo!!!!! *still crying from last night with all 3 of my New Day shirts on while eating Booty-O’s and New Day theme song playing in the background.*

        • Honestly, I don’t see a problem with looking at it either way. Some people choose to see it in terms of individuals in which case they made one amazing feud. Some people choose to see it from the title perspective – how many times is WWE going to rotate titles before we get some stability because when someone asks we really want to say for sure who the champ is. Either way is fine to me. It ain’t that serious guys, honestly.

          • The only thing that makes me upset is how much wrestlers sacrifice their bodies, and risk the chance of being paralyzed for life…. Just for our entertainment(& money, of course)….. And for fans to demand Vince that we DESERVE the best storylines/fueds/pretty much everything…. Week in and week out consistently for 70 years straight without 1 bad match, or botch, or slip-up on he mic…. EVER

          • not to mention the mental and physical tear on the body after they retire. some handle it well, some don’t

          • And most are aware of that. It’s not that they’re insensitive to that. But it’s perspective. The talent definitely make RAW but titles do too. Life ain’t perfect. Life surely ain’t fair but in a show that is scripted (don’t hate me) and imagination runs wild, they want the best show. For everyone. I know it upsets you but hey….perspective, ya know?

          • Most feel WWE needs to cater to them. People actually wanted Charolette to do a moonsault from the top of hell in a cell.

          • That’s true. Some fans are entitled little brats and forget the stars are human. So you have a valid point.

    • He’s an indy wrestler who worked in TNA for a long time. To quote Jim Cornette ‘He’s talented but a f***ing misanthrope and a miserable human being’.

    • Well, I mean you are allowed to defend your show, you know. With the split, WWE has basically asked you to pick a side because every week is a comparison. It’s okay, though. Both shows are great. Again, not that serious.

        • I get that. But isn’t that the point of wanting to defend your show? RAW has high points that SD does not. And that is all that SD fans are doing – playing up their high points against perceived cons of RAW. It’s a rivalry. Don’t take it too much to heart.

  5. I cant wait till Cesaro and Sheamus and champions long enough that fans will be begging for new champions.

    ….and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the definition of irony.

  6. Welp! See, y’all tomorrow once God spares life and gives me health and strength for the realest wrestling show – SmackDown Live!!! Bye!


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