Dana White Adds Fuel To The Brock Lesnar To UFC Rumors

Brock Lesnar’s contract with WWE is rumored to expire sometime after Wrestlemania 34. There have been some rumors floating around that Brock might be looking to return to the UFC instead of re-signing with WWE.

UFC President Dana White poured some gasoline on these rumors.

Dana posted a photo of Brock and him together on Sunday night. Brock is wearing a UFC T-Shirt for this photo-op. Here is the photo:

Would you like to see Brock return to the UFC or re-sign with WWE?

Speaking of the UFC, here is a list of WWE stars who have competed in MMA fights. 

1 thought on “Dana White Adds Fuel To The Brock Lesnar To UFC Rumors”

  1. I like brock, but I would be indifferent either way. I think he provides a sense of realness to the product, but I wouldn’t mind seeing the champ on TV more often. I think its time to let someone else run w/ the title.

    If brock were on TV more and wrestled more – fine. But he sort holds the title hostage by being gone months at a time. Which can be both good and bad. But I think a solid year long reign is about the best we can do. Its time for a new champ.

    If he re-signs – great. He gives WWE that big fight feel.

    If he doesn’t – fine. Hopefully someone else can grab that brass ring.


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