Charlotte Flair was recently a guest on Chasing Glory with Lilian Garcia. Charlotte spoke on a wide variety of topics about her career and life outside of the ring during the interview with Lilian. Below are some of the highlights (quotes via Wrestlezone).
Please subscribe to my Youtube channel and check out my latest predictions video: Wrestlemania 41 predictions: Charlotte Flair vs Tiffany Stratton.
Charlotte on how she feels about getting booed in her storyline with Becky Lynch:
“Honestly, if I wasn’t getting a reaction, we’d have a problem. Whether you’re being cheered or booed, you’re here to make the audience react and that’s how I look at it. I don’t look at it as a negative. I look at it as if the fans are invested in a story”
On the dynamic of their feud:
“The newest storyline with Becky, I feel, is a brand new challenge, a brand new place for my character where I have to overcome things and it’s a challenge and it’s a good challenge because it will create layers. It’s a new dynamic. I was always the bad guy and she was the good guy. Now that I’m the good guy and she’s the bad guy it’s learning how to be the good guy. It’s not harder for me as a person. I think it’s harder for people to accept me as the good guy because I’ve had so much success”
On if it is difficult to feud with Becky since they are such good friends outside of the ring:
“No, you hit your friends harder. No, I mean that in a [inaudible] sense. Becky and I came up through NXT together, so in terms of how we view how things should be in the ring and psychology and I know what she does well, she knows what I do well because we’ve talked about it in the car, so, no, I think it just makes for a better overall presentation”
On a related note, here is how I think their match is going to end at WWE Super Show-Down.