Carlito Comments On The Rumors Of A WWE Return, The Shining Stars

Former WWE star Carlito was recently interviewed by Sports Illustrated for their ‘Extra Mustard’ section. Carlito left the WWE back in 2010. He was last seen on WWE television back in 2014 when his father:  Carlos Colón Sr was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.

There have been some rumors circulating that Carlito could be returning to WWE to join the Shining Stars (Primo is his real-life brother, Epico is his cousin).

Carlito says that he has had some talks with WWE about a return but it all comes down to the money:

“We’ve had talks. I haven’t spoken to them in a while, but it’s all about economics. For the right price, I’d love to come back, but it’s got to be something that works for them and something that works for me. The last time I was there was the Hall of Fame for my dad. That was a lot of fun. They know me and my personality, and know my comments were all in fun. I’m not the most political person out there, and I just stay true to me and they know that about me”

On the Shining Stars

“They’re extremely talented, but it’s all about finding the right avenue for them. There are a lot of guys there like that. There is a lot of talent there, and you need to find the right way to exploit it”

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