Bret Hart is notorious for being a (pardon my pun) ‘Sharpshooter’ when it comes to calling things like he sees it in the wrestling business. We recently posted stories about Bret Hart ripping Charlotte as WWE Women’s Champion and also him praising the Bullet Club’s debut on RAW. On Wrestlezone’s Sharpshooter Show, Bret Hart remembers wrestling Vader back in the day. He doesn’t have many kind words for him, saying he worked stiff and smelled like puke.
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Bret Hart on wrestling Vader:
“It was like wrestling with a cement truck filled with barf. (Laughs) He was stiff and really the sh*ts to work with as far as… he was no fun. He hurt you constantly. Every punch or kick. I can remember he did a belly flop on me one time. He told me he could do it safe and not hurt me or whatever. My body felt violated. Four hundred pounds of blob just slapped my whole body. I was numb after the match. I remember feeling violated. He was really stiff. He stunk. He smelled like throw up. He never washed his gear. I guess he washed it every once in awhile. After a couple of weeks on the road with Vader it was just tough working with him. He was maybe one of the stiffest and smelliest guys I ever had to wrestle” (Source: The Sharpshooter Show).
He also speaks about his dislike of working Vader lead to him turning heel in the Canada vs the USA storyline (you can listen to the full interview in the link above).
Some pretty harsh words from Bret to Vader. I have heard stories about Vader being a notoriously stiff worker floating around the internet. This has to be the first time I have heard someone say he smelled like puke!
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