Monday Night RAW featured a segment involving Sami Zayn and Bobby Lashley. Zayn brought Lashley’s three sisters to RAW with him as a way to try and expose him. The segment did not receive a great response from fans, with some even calling it one of the worst in RAW history.
We have an update on the real identities of the sisters from RAW.
Jessica was played by independent wrestler “Mr Everything” Victor Andrews. Here was his Tweet after RAW:
I want to thank everyone for your congrats to my twin cousin Jessica on her #raw debut tonight. I couldn’t be prouder of her. Lol. No really thank you everyone. It was a great moment for me. Like I always say, “Don’t just be anything. Be EVERYTHING!!”
— Victor Andrews (@Im_MrEverything) May 22, 2018
Frances was played by wrestler Max Caster. Caster currently works for the Create A Pro Wrestling Academy.
Is “Frances Lashley” Max Caster from Curt Hawkins’ Create-a-Pro Wrestling? #CAPWrestling #WWE #Raw #ShookCrew #Shooker
— グレート・アミダ Joshua Swearengin (@TheSonOfMuta) May 22, 2018
It is unclear at the moment who Cathy was. We will update this when we know!