AJ Styles Comments On If He Views Himself As The Best Wrestler In The World

AJ Styles was recently interviewed by Sky Sports. He spoke on a few topics, including his journey to WWE and if he views himself as the best wrestler in the World.

Here are some of the interview highlights.

Styles on thinking that he would never be in WWE at one point in his career:

“There was never really that window of opportunity. You get in this business because you believe in yourself and I always saw myself being in the main event of WrestleMania at some point. But as it got later in my career I started to think I may never get that chance, that I may never be in WWE.

Sometimes it doesn’t happen and you learn to live with it. I had learned to live with it and I was living with it, I guess. I’d been successful in a lot of places I’d been. I was okay with that. But having been in WWE and being the WWE champion, it’s very exciting and I’m really looking forward to WrestleMania. I can’t wait. There’s nothing bigger than the WWE.”

On if he thinks he is the best wrestler in the World:

No, I would not agree with that. I think there’s still a lot to be learned by AJ Styles and you can’t consider yourself to be the best when you’ve still got so much stuff to learn.

SEE ALSO: AJ Styles Twerks At WWE Live Event (VIDEO)

Do you think AJ is the best in the world?

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