This past week’s episode of Monday Night RAW featured a gender reveal segment involving Maria Kanellis. During this segment, she claimed that a few WWE stars were the father of her baby.
It looks like this could be leading towards a celebrity segment on RAW next week.
The Maury Show (hosted by Maury Povich) posted the following Tweet about Maria and her baby daddy drama:
PWinsider also reported the following about Maury potentially appearing on RAW:
It is interesting to note that over the last few days, there was a pitch within WWE to have Povich take part in a segment on Raw regarding the Kanellis baby storyline, so we’ll soon see if Povich (who films his show in Stamford, CT) pops up in the weeks to come. Povich’s talk show regularly features paternity tests and other such shenanigans.
Let me know what you think in the comment section below or on Twitter.
In other news, check out our Wrestlemania 38 predictions.
On a related note, check out some backstage news on the plans for Maria’s storyline.